My 290 was a 2007 I bought new. It's "not" my go to saw and has been sitting. I had thought I drained it, I didn't give it a second thought. This was totally my fault. The last time I used that saw was "spring 2018".... I was even thinking of brining it up to the New England GTG at Well Seasoned place but I didn't.
This is a strange situation. And I'll elaborate, I put "stabil" in everything and have for years and years. My mowers go 3 to 5 months before they get used again and once in a while I'll forget the gas in them. "never a problem". I believe being I let this sit for over a year was the demise of this and possibly just a bad batch of gas. I won't call myself a mechanic but can do plenty of stuff and had saws apart and carburetors etc... Understand, I am taking their word for this and I've dealt with them for many years. With that said, I usually on the ball with this. My generator/welder is ran twice a year and stabil has been in that tank since day one. I usually pump it out after a year and run it through the mowers and replace with fresh. From my stand point of it, I can't say their wrong or right "I" didn't take it apart, I just need the saw back and running. I am going to ask for the old Carburetor back when they fix it so I can "possibly" rebuild it.
My 2000 model ms290 farm boss has sat undrained since I got my dolkita 6421. That was like 2 years ago.No issues with gas draining on it's own. Although I should drain it and refill with fresh gas to keep it ready.
Stabil doesn't deal with the ethanol...although I think they do have a formula that does...don't see it on shelves much though. I use Startron now...seems to deal with all the issues at once...
I don't use any of those additives. Even my snowmobiles don't have an issue after sitting 9 months, or more. I do like top get all of the tanks as empty as possible, then when recommissioning I fill all the way with fresh gas. Been doing this for like 30 years with ethanol fuel and have found zero difference between doing this, and use any of the additives to keep fuel fresh. Granted, I've not tried startron, and probably won't because of what I've seen using the method I use.
It's just a matter of time...just a matter of time. Old man ethanol comes to collect from everybody sooner or later...nobody gets out without paying
If you look on stabils site they claim normal stabil treats ethanol blended fuel and keeps it for up to 24 months. the 360 version is their "premium" ethanol blended treatment which they claim prevents ethanol related issues (corrosion for example) but only keeps fuel fresh for up to 12 months. I honestly thought the normal stuff prevented ethanol damage as well and it's what I've been using for years now. Guess I may have to switch to 360 or read up on your startron.
I don't know what to say??? In the past never a problem but now, Who is right and who is wrong? I'm going back to completely running my stuff out of fuel. This is another thing that can be debated and discussed with a variety or results. I'm just going to eliminate the possibility again... It worked.
They may have changed the formula used to be they had a separate ethanol treatment product. Might have had to compete with Startron...
Running out of fuel is a good option...but not flawless. If you are going to do that I'd still use fuel treatment if running ethanol fuel...because you can never get all of the gas out. And the lesser the quantity, the faster it can turn. Also when using the drain it technique, anything with a metal fuel tank can rust, bad deal too. In that case it's best to fill the tank and then hopefully there is a valve that can be shut off so the carb can be drained or run "dry"
ive owned my 290 since 2010 and have stored gas (ethanol, either 89 or 91 octane) in it for extended periods. Used old gas as well. I've stored it in the basement for the most part so dunno if that makes a difference. Never drained or run dry either. I've owned 3 Stihls since 1985 and have never had an issue like that. Always have started after long periods of sitting too. Now that I own pro saws (460 & 261) I was considering using non ethanol, but I go thru two gallons of mix in a few weeks it would be a pricey fuel mix and I'm cheap. I now use Stihl oil mix as well. A learning experience for sure. At least the saw isn't ruined.
It always strikes me as odd that one person has a problem so always drains the gas while the other never drains the gas and has never had a problem with it. Wish I knew the answer but I don't. So I guess for those who have had a problem it might be best to drain the tank. For others, why try to fix it if it is not broken?
ditto, that was the point of my thread on fuel. brenndatomu, I just bought some star tron, will use it next time I fill my cans up.
I think it has to do with how recently the stations that you use have switched over to ethanol, and how old the tanks are at the station. Reason being that the ethanol strips the built up gunk from the inside of the fuel tanks. I've seen it myself on my aluminum rectangular tank on my Ski Nautique. When I got my boat, a 78, in 2000, the inside of the tank was yellow from all sorts of fuel deposits over the years. After building it up with better cylinder heads and intake, I switched to e10,: and then the fuel tank became shiny aluminum inside. Yes, I had a few fuel filters get clogged over that time, but they are spin on fuel water separators so easy to remedy. I'd rather change a fuel filter than have to clean out a Holley 4 barrel carb. Since we switched so long ago in Wisconsin, I think any or most of the issues are long gone.
I have a bottle of this I got from the bike shop and haven't opened it yet. The shop is near a large lake and he has about a dozen of them. Hasn't sold one in many years so he said I could take it. That's why I always state my stuff is kept in a cool, temperature stable environment and the humidity stays consistent. Being outside, getting hot/cold over and over, humidity going up and down is a large variable. I'm not the eth expert but it's said it can absorb moisture, so I try to keep them in a sta-bil (lol) environment. I always use 87 oct pump gas that has up to 10% eth and no other additives other than what is in my mix oil. Like mentioned, some of my 10 saws don't get ran very frequently and I've never had an issue (as of yet, knock on wood). Maybe I'm just lucky.
how many 290 carbs would you like i usually change them out and use a 044 carb when i do mods to them that would save you to just buy a filter and hose