This is quickly becoming my favorite thread SKEETER McCLUSKEY how do you do your chuck roast? I tried smoking one last weekend on the weber smokey mountain and it got very very dry on me. I wrapped it in butcher paper when it stalled at about 170* and cooked until it was 200* internal.
Try 3 hr@ 250 then foil for another 3 then let rest foiled assuming chuckie is around 4 lb......temp means very little it's all about time in this case
Cranberry marmalade glazed chicken. Two 5 lb chickens, rinse, trim excess fat at cavity opening. Use a spoon to loose the skin on breasts and around thighs. Brine for 5 hrs making sure brine gets inside of skin. Mix whole cranberry sauce and marmalade about 2 to 1. Add BBQ sauce to taste. Rinse and pat dry. Use a spoon to place cranberry mix between skin and breast/thighs. Truss bird. Spray with oil and smoke at 300 until temp is 170F or better. Baste with some of the berry sauce and return to smoker to glaze up. Remove and let rest a bit before carving. Serve with tater salat and whatever else strikes your fancy!
Did my first brisket today on the WSM. It was only a 6 pound piece. It was the point with just a bit of the flat attached. Texas style with salt and pepper only Fat side down on the smoker Finished product with a pretty good bark on it Smoke ring shot For my first attempt at a brisket I was pretty pleased. It tasted great and was pretty tender. I used oak chunks with the charcoal. It was on the smoker for about 8.5 hrs (wrapped in butcher paper for about half of that time) at 225-250*. I eventually got stuck at an internal temp of 190* and finished in the oven at 300*.