Rear in tank low pressure pump was either intermittently failing or had a bad connection. It was a new pump but I am not surprised because I replaced the high pressure pump 3 times. What really had me stumped was that the truck would run for a short time then shut off so I kept thinking it was something in the electronics causing it to shut off but I am pretty certain that the external high pressure pump would pull enough of a siphon to run until it lost prime because the low pressure pump was not pushing fuel.
Eat your heart out. We had a high of 66 today! Sweet to be sure. Glad you got that truck running again.
That sounds like a bear to track down, but one of those things that makes perfect sense when it dawns on you. Glad your old iron is still rolling.
Up to a foot of snow predicted for this weekend in BC. Summertime sadness: Northern B.C. to get up to 1 foot of snow this weekend
Well, got 2 CATs and a gasket set ordered for the IS. Ron gave me 28% off one as warranty for my original one. Should be in end of the week. Debating on an extended vinegar bath for my old one just to give it one final try this fall.
Boy Tom, that is sounding good right now! We've been relatively cool but the dewpoint has been climbing and it is 70 right now with the temperature at 81. Really sticky out there. He's not a moose Tom but I hope to get some meat off him.
Nice whitetail! Were cooling off todays is 53/30. Snow came halfway down the mountain with the overnight rain. Have had the heat on in the truck last week-week 1/2.
Around 67°F all day but damp, didnt mind the weather at all. Glad there was a bit of rain for a few days. Put on a wee fire: Alder, Spruce and Maple. Wee afternoon walk with the Missus and the Mutt.
Another 1" of rain overnight, now it is breezy from the NW and cooling down nicely at nights now. We should get a little more warm weather, but I will take this any day. I am hoping for a nice dry fall now. My potatoes in the ground need some dry soil, and I have a deck to stain yet.
upper 80's today and the dewpoint in the mid 70's. I made firewood for about two hours. Why? I dont know, but i guess im a die hard hoarder! Line of T-storms moving in soon. Hardwood in the firepit...oak and ash mostly.
What a farce yesterday. A big rain was coming toward us with quite a bit of heavy rain too. I spread fertilizer hopefully just before the rain. We didn't even get a drop. Another line of storms built in the afternoon. They all went south of us. All we got was the terribly sticky air which I hate. But, that's life. Weather promises to get much better in a couple of days.