Currently 74 here. Got a wonderful 1.3" of rain this morning, first in quit awhile, although I'm sure a lot just ran off. Talking more rain tonight.
80* and to hot to make any wood. Drug one log up from the bottom field and it is break time. I have one more ready to come up. I don't want to weed whack to get a clear a safe space where they sit. Going to take the bucket of the mini and see if I can clear a safe working place where they sit.
Was around 95f today. They said it felt like 102ish. Only fire around here was the small one I started with the welder, while welding in the yard. Set some leaves or some trash in the dirt on fire. Went out as soon as what ever it was was burned.
I was watching the Weather Channel here and it showed troops of kangaroos (they had a discussion as to what a "herd" of kangaroos was called) hopping around in snow cover. Something really interesting to see! I dont associate a kangaroo with snow!
We had a nice cool week last week. Looks like it will stay relatively cool this week until Sunday. Also looks like we'll get some rain tonight and it will be welcome.
Down to 55.8°F this morning. Almost feels like fall but I know we'll have another month and a half of summer.
We've enjoyed some nice cool weather lately but today it turned hot again. Temperature not terrible but the raise in humidity and dewpoint has made it a bit uncomfortable. First thing I did when we got home today was turn the air conditioner on.
Nice looking rain in Wisconsin yesterday but as quite often happens, we got none of it. Just petered out long before it got near us.
All of a sudden, we have a bit of rain forecast. Zero this morning that went to 10%, and now it's at 20%. We could use some rain, but it'll dampen my firewood moving efforts for a bit if it happens. More of our Birch tree leaves are getting yellow almost daily now.......
88 today, chance of rain tomorrow afternoon and low 80's before we head back close to 90 for the weekend. just picked a dozen green peppers that I'll stuff and freeze. Took black betty for a ride and I do believe after months of chasing a fuel problem she's going to haul wood this fall.