This is the biggest diameter mulberry I’ve ever come across and man is that some heavy stuff! 24” bar on the echo 8000 for reference. Love when the saw starts spitting out bright yellow chips.
Love the mulberry. Been a few years since I got any bigger stuff. Scored some last year, but the biggest was maybe 20". Enjoy it.
I had a run in with a nice Mulberry a few years ago. I absolutely loved it as firewood! Not near as big as the two pictured above.
I just had a 2 leader Mulberry in the back yard volunteer itself as of the stems snapped off and fell right on my wood processing area...didn't make a ton of wood, but wasn't a ton of work either. Probably 16" at the base...all kinds of "brushy" though...seems like a big Mulberry would be a PITA to process a whole tree due to all the brush!
The one in my pic was in the tree line on the edge of are property just left the brush lay there and go back to nature. Would have been a pain to get rid of it all.
Very cool shaped "round"! I myself have never scored any mulberry. Appears to be fast growing based on the growth rings. Any aroma to it jrider ? Have a small one growing at the edge of our woods.
I got one in my backyard about that size. Needs to be trimmed like crazy, but I won’t own it tell Wednesday when we close on the property. Looking forward to cooking on the fire pit with the wood, should give a good smoke flavor. Any idea how long big mulberries live? The one in my yard seems pretty healthy.
Maybe a slight odor but nothing worth noting. It is bright yellow inside though so it’s like your shooting out yellow highlighter chips.
Yellow on the inside and the one I cut had a white milky sap. Then it seasons to a reddish color. Pretty dramatic difference.
I like the reddish brown color it turns. i have a couple of cookies from last fall sitting out in the sun to see how dark they get. Did you hear that nutcase blowing the horn on Friday? For a 2 street town H-burg sure has a lot of traffic lights .
Best of luck with the new house Dakota Hoarder ! Hope there's lots of trees and room for wood storage!
That would be neat to see. Like the rare times ive sliced Eastern red cedar, the chips come out pinkish red and smell great.
Actually not a new house, we are purchasing about a 1/2 acre from our neighbors. Our total will be about 3/4 acres now right in town. Theres 1 really big walnut tree and 1 really big mulberry. Both need serious trimming, which should be fun! Hope neither ever need to be taken down, although that would be fun also! Will have way more room for wood storage! I can get my stacks out from under my deck
When i think of your state i think of wide open space and not small city lots! Best of luck, enjoy the elbow room and keep us posted with pics!
Was fortunate to get some mulberry last year. Coworker had one taken down at her farm, and I got the tree. Probably 20 inches at the base... some heavy stuff. Just got the last of it split (some of it was in my unsplittables pile due to size and density) with the new splitter, and is now awaiting combustion. Save the uglies for smoking. Mulberry worked really nice in my smoker yesterday!
We we actually have a few towns and cities around, running water and indoor plumbing and everything! Most lots in my town are only around 1/4 acre. Not many 1/2+ acre lots in town at all.