is that a Georgia tan or Georgia sunblock? My arms look like that after a dusty sweaty day on the roof.
Definitely not sun legs were a little pink under there...I have looked worse when mulching leaves in the fall....
Had a downpour last night just before dark. Haven't checked the rain gauge but expect there is a lot in there. Does not look like we'll get more today but it is awfully stuffy outside. Tomorrow forecast more rain. Sad, there were two fields got worked up 2 days ago and now standing water in them again. Where they did work up the fields, they did work around any wet spots and there were wet spots to be sure. To me, now it is too late to plant anything except pickles or usually around August 1 can be a good time to plant clover. btw, the clover I planted is coming up nicely, at least in spots. One area might have to be replanted.
79* real feel of 90* better than yesterday. Hoping for good weather tomorrow for all the 4th party's and fireworks.
Air conditioner shut off yesterday afternoon. Nice sleeping with windows open. It's still nice in the house with the temperature at 73 degrees. Temperature outside is also at 73 degrees.
Did the same last 2 nights. AC is back on as of about 12:30 today though, as we're due for 89 deg. Mowed a bit of the yard before it got too hot, and now just hangin' out in the AC. Think I'll stay right here.
Well mother nature hissie fit brought the temps down from 84 to 79. Been out the are now back up to 85 and no breeze.
Another ugly day in stock here. I see in the last hour big time showers are popping up both north and south of us. No doubt we'll get some later. It is mostly cloudy which is keeping the temperatures from soaring but still 87 with dewpoint over 70. Ugly for sure. Supposed to cool some tomorrow and it can't come fast enough for me. Yesterday I went for a walk in back in the afternoon. For the third time I jumped some deer in the same spot. Seems they like my new wood stacks as that is where they like to lay right now. They didn't move off very fast. As soon as they stood up I started talking to them. They know my voice so mostly just walked off. I was perhaps 20 yards from them. Nice. I also got this guy on trail cam.
Yes. Makes me wonder if he was injured as the antlers started growing or if this is just a natural non-typical. First thing I'd look for would be a bad leg on the opposite side but I got this picture as a still shot rather than on a video. I changed the camera to video in case he comes back.
Judy is ready to declare a big time war as lately she is having problems keeping them away from the house. When they get into her "bird area" all H breaks loose with that ornery gal.
I'll bet !!....we went over the mountain today to get some the bottom of our hill goin west there was a doe tryin to nudge her fawn up the bank. When we stopped...we could tell the fawn just got hit...knocked the hide n fur clean off the tail n its hind end was crippled...sad sight! I know this stuff happens n a lot of the time (as a driver) theres nothin you can do...but the way some of these morons drive..its rediculous....