dewpoint was over 70 yesterday. Temps were maybe mid 80's. Was cloudy hazy and sun did come out later in the afternoon. Got completely saturated with sweat while cutting at the honey hole. 80* now and dryer with 62* dewpoint. Sky is a nice blue. Walked in the yard yesterday, looked down at the clover patch and spotted this. Found in under a minute! My lucky day. Reminded me of the game my father and i would play when i was a kid. The four leaf hunt in the clover patch!
Just figured my June totals. 4.84" rain Max temp 91 last Fri. (the only day to hit 90) Lowest 47 . (Tied record low I think) Been a rather cool month for us.
yeah it funny as before i found it i didnt feel good mentally and physically. It was a sign, the "little victory" in every day life that turned my day around. I gave it to the GF and we pressed it in wax paper.
Been Hot here, forecast says it will be hot for a least another week. So I made a command decision to work night shift in the woods and at the mill. First night of nightshift and I didn't get but an hour of sleep. My performance was off a bit. But I still got my load. Granted its not a big load. But plenty of boards in these logs.
Sounds like you live in a rotten area Bear. Man, I don't think I could put up with that crap very long. It is hard enough here but much worse where you are. For sure in June through November I wish I was back in the UP along with yooperdave. It can get much cooler for sure. I remember losing all of our garden once in July. Also remember many times with frost in July and August (other months it is normal). Also we used to like being on vacation in the UP at this time of the year as we celebrated out anniversary on the 30th of June and our oldest son's birthday on July 2. Most years it was cold. One year on our anniversary it was 29 degrees at night. We held tight...
That picture of your log loading (last picture) really brought back some memories. Thank you. When I worked in the woods we did not have a skidder so hauled out all the logs on a dray. For ramps, we used 2 x 6's and drove the old teeth from the mill saw and drove them into the 2 x 6 to get a good grip on the logs as we rolled them up the ramps.
Looks like a hot and humid week in store but thankfully not as hot as most others will be getting. Yesterday was one of those perfect summer days when the air still felt clean and the body was not feeling like a raisin.
We quit working about 4:00 to get ready for a dinner date. Kinda glad too. That splitter had gotten HOT...
I know the true definition of swamp nuts, and I’ll leave it at that... its hot in the swamp right now hahahagaga... 94-95* all week with super high humidity! Uugghh bring on the 20-30’s and deer season! I hate summer!
same was pretty good...tomorrow the humidity starts back up n wed. n thursday not good at all...
Got up to 92°F Dewpoint averaged 33° . I'm seeing some are having it much worse than myself. Try to stay in the shade and drink plenty of water people.
Shade ain't helping still pouring sweat... we've been working on the woodyard at night with fans, not to bad then.
OMG! For sure that is one reason I don't live in the south. Don't think I could take much of that at all. I'd be house bound with the air conditioner running full blast.
Yesterday was a morning walk compared to today. I had fans at the wood pile. We had to cut and trim 3 big yards today. Started at 9, got in about 5:00. Hasn't rained in 2-3 weeks and the Bahia grass gets tall and TOUGH. Have to double cut it to get it clean looking. Our conditions today... A little that's not socks....