You lucky duck !! It's hotter the the hubs of h e double hockey stick here. Like 96°F in the sun where I'm working.
Lost one of my favorite hats after I got the load on and lashed down. I think I left it in the bed of the pickup and it blew out. I've had that hat since 91. Cost me $1053.00 but Ace threw in an Ace Morgan modified 394 Husky with the hat . Hot and cranky. Lost my best summer hat.
Can't like a feller losing his favorite hat...I did the same awhile back. Left mine in a restaurant and was about 40 miles down the road when I realized it was gone...
Hoping the humidity lessens here soon but with rain every 2nd or 3rd day it is doubtful. Plus all the standing water all over, including the farm fields. Most farmers still unable to get more beans in the ground. They are fast running out of time. Probably for most they are out of time.
There 1 small thunder cell in the whole state of PA right now....we got a nice rain monday night..about 3/4"......we have our first heat wave (90 or better for 3 days in a row).....shouldnt make it here in the hills
We haven't hit 90 yet but it is 86. Nice breeze. Partly sunny but a lot of those clouds look like rain.
I don't recall. I tend to save anything on the net that's half ways interesting, then the disk is full of trivia and I can't remember why I saved it That US$385 in 1949 is worth US$4,142.66 now. The Canadian dollar was worth 90 cents US in 1949, so about CDN$428. A new Chevy pickup was US$1253. .
good evening FHC folks! Hope all are staying cool (those of you where its hot like here in Southern CT) Probably upper 70's here now. Hot sunny day with some humidity, close to 90*, Was still tough if you were out in full sun, Nice on the deck now to be outside. Hooked up AC's today and GF is happy. Started firepit for charcoal and grilled (of all things) hot n' spicy sausage on the charcoal tonight. Bark scraps and hardwood (maple and hickory) scraps in the firepit. Im sitting on the deck with the box fan blowing behind me to keep skeeters at bay and my upward peripheral vision sees this! Luckily i had the digital camera next to me! Didnt even hear it. Maybe 80' away. Very cool! I love nature! Blurry pic as camera was fully zoomed.
Close to 90 here with pretty high humidity, yuck! No breeze either. 77 out now & quite sticky. This weather is good for nothing IMO. Can't wait for Fall.
Working in full sun yesterday AC and I was thinking of the pic you posted recently of you with your truck and trailer cutting in the snow.