Went to the local dump...er recycling center Saturday to dump my oil change oil. Wow...what a surprise. I have never seen so much wood. Between the dead Ash trees and storm falls we have three large hills of wood. Not tree bits. Wood. Trunks and fat limbs. I'm already filled back up, but I couldn't resist some locust...with all the traffic, I end up stopped so close to wood that I could not get any pics that showed the scale of the problem. Still this looks like an apocalypse there is so much wood piled up. Dump attendant told me that they didn't have any more room and we're looking to move it off-site or stop accepting wood. Anyone else over loaded? I am going to stop by tomorrow, my dad is in need of some wood for his fireplace. Try to get pics this time.
At my compost center the pile gets huge with brush and logs than they grind it into mulch/compost. Couple pics from last week. It had just stopped raining so wet and muddy. I only grabbed four decent logs. It is a sad sight for a hoarder for sure.
Our recycling center doesn't take wood. It ends up on the side of the road, at best. I'm swimming in ash and I can't do anything about it now until I get my wood shed done. Well, that and other projects. I only took the last 2.5 cords because it was on my neighbor's lawn, and I said I'd take it.
We are swimming in dead Ash here. My neighborhood has so many still standing but clearly dead. It's more than a bit depressing look at. Neighbor to the north wants me to drop his Ash that's on the other side of the lot, but frankly its way more tree than you want to drop with a single cut. I also don't think that he realizes how wide the crown is...I don't think most folks realize how heavy and large a 40 year old tree is.
Yes, so many dead standing ash. I've got a couple in my yard still even, but they will stay vertically stacked until I finish that shed.
A lot of it in Milwaukee is just getting ground up into mulch some of my customers have resized their chippers more than once in the past couple years. Reminds me of the Dutch Elm senario a bunch of years back.
Simply amazing. Overloaded? Not me! I have many acres that we can stack wood on so doubt I'd ever be overloaded. I recall many years ago a rare tornado came through and hit right in the town of Chesaning. They took tons of wood to the village park and stacked it and then they did let people go in to take wood. For those that needed it that was great. Still lots went to waste which was not so great.