Had a ATV log trailer built. The vertical rails are removable, I am going to put a floor in it and removable side for rounds and hunting season.
Thanks for the pics of yours, I had it built with only the vertical above the tire to be movable. It should work well as a moose trailer with some 2x12 for floor and sides.
Wow, very nice!! What are the dimensions? What’s the overall length? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Looks great Tom! I like the walking beam axles! I'd like to build a smaller tub-trailer version of that to get rounds off the mountain here. Some of the trails are really rocky.
That’s what I used to call the “yard sale”. I got tired of that with the old Craftsman, very similar to what you have in the pictures. Finally found the Yutrax, mini version of the Ropewagon. Haven’t dumped a load since.
The Yutrax are nice! I'd like to build a trailer just because it will be a little more HD and I'll always be able to repair/replace the parts if needed.
Tom, that really looks nice! Probably the only thing you could add would be some skis that you could strap on when the snow is deep. Other than that, it looks to be ideal. I'm curious how you will load the moose? Winch maybe? Tilt the trailer then winch the animal up onto the trailer?
Yep, they make loading a steer look like a breeze. That trailer is excellent, will the big snow machine pull it in moderate depth snow?
It sure will. I have used a wheeler all winter in previous years, I used the 10 foot sled that pulled behind the Skandic this year. I plan on using it year around. Today I ordered a new toy. I ordered it in camo, should be here around the end of September. Should work well pulling the trailer.
Nice! That combo will get you deep into the bush on those timber buys. Should be a good size haul between the two.
Should be a good haul, weight shouldn’t be a issue, it will be volume. Dead spruce doesn’t weigh all that much.
Sweet! That should serve you well Tom. On the moose, that makes sense. On deer I used to gut them in the woods but now I just take atv and trailer, load them and haul to the barn then take care of them.