I'm about to go through 2 stacks of Ash rounds that were cut and stacked in Aug of 2016. The bark falls off when I pick them up. Here is my Question.....What would be the largest, in diameter, Ash round I could get away with for an All Night Burn? My Jotul600 can fit an 8" round through its side door and at least a 12" round through the front door. I'm planning ahead for my All Night burns for 2020/21 Season so when I go through the stacks, I want to save some time splitting. This year is all set with a mix of stuff. Thanks
You answered your own question. Stuff it with as big a piece as you can. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Split them so you can fit them in the door. As long as its dry it should burn fine. I had some big ash for overnight burns last year and they worked well in my blaze king.
Gotta figure in for a bed of coals. Nothing worse than jamming a biggun' in half way and coals behind it won't let it in. Then the smoking round in the ash can mad dash for the door !
The 600 is a cat stove correct? With quite a bit of volume inside if memory serves. I personally wouldn’t get too carried away if it is. My PH will burn 12 hours easy with small oak splits. I split small because I have t been caught up in getting years ahead. I’m just starting to split stuff bigger for the future. Hard to break old habits tho. I’m more concerned with dry than big. YMMV
Split em in half First half goes in nestled in the coal bed Next half goes in on top Fill the voids...off to bed
with ash from 2016 you won't have to worry about it smoldering. ash seasons fairly quick. if the bark is falling off now then its ready to burn. Don't overthink it. that is coming from a guy who overthinks everything. LOL!!!
Anything larger than about 5" diam I will split in half so it dries better. But, I'm not on the 3yr plan yet
I put one red oak round in per night that'll barely squeeze through the door of my little Keystone. 5-6 years stacked and top covered. Burns great in my cat stove.
I load end wise in my insert. I tried early on to do a big round and realized its nice to get one chunk in, but too much air gaps around it. Ill use nice straight splits and tightly pack with 6-8 logs.
Largest round I'll burn is 24" in diameter if it's Ash or dead Elm, they generally don't smolder. If they do I'll toss them aside & split in half for next year. Yes I know we're talking stove vs boiler here, but it's still gotta be dry to burn.