It's al That's why my wife wanted me to check one last time, I've bought them before when we had them.
It looks like we'll have seamless gutters going up on the new garage, maybe near the end of next week if the weather is good. I'm hoping for three nice days before they get here so I can waterproof the blocks.
Seemless is the way to go. We had seemless done on our last place it held up very well. I just put up vinyl gutters as it’s on our porch and we have a metal roof. The snow and ice beat up the old one pretty good. I figure if it happens again I can easily replace a small section. I also installed them lower so the snow and ice might go over it. The internet seems to think this is a good idea so I will see how it works out. Even if I had to replace part of it every year it would be better than all the water running down the foundation.
I think it was you who first responded when I ask a question about waterproofing the concrete blocks, I did the front,left and the back but the right side is still damp. It should have 17-19 hours of drying time before the rain starts up again so I think it will be okay. I'll give it a second coat once it dries out again.
It looks like this week I'll get a first coat on the eastside blocks and a second coat on the front,west and the blocks in the back, maybe mother nature will allow me to get a second coat on the eastside blocks. I still have the storage and the work tables to get up but I want the blocks waterproofed first. We're hoping they put the gutters and downspouts up this week but they said they would call a few days ahead so we'll see.
The first picture is before the first coat of Thompson's and the second picture is after the first coat, I did get the second coat on today but the blocks on the eastside are still wet so they haven't seen anything yet.
The eastside blocks are wet again from the heavy rains we had today so that won't get done until they dryout again.
The rain has been pretty steady here for the last week or so. A couple of decent days but s bit or rain almost every day. Hope it dries out long enough for you to get it done.
The new garage made everything so much easier this winter and the wife has her garage back so she is happy. I still have work that needs to be done but since most of the wood I cut last year was pine, my arse will be in the woods this summer iffin it's not too hot. We're still three plus years ahead but four or five is better. Our contractor came by yesterday, I thought that he wanted to see how the garage made it through the winter but he was short about a six foot piece of siding (same color we used) so we gave him what he needed.
Busy here for sure. Both at work and home. Getting ready to storm now, ain’t had no real rain to speak of for weeks.
That's good that you're busy. All it has done is rain up here with the cooler temperatures hanging on, I'm pretty sure we have received double our rainfall amount compared to normal.
Glad to see you once again thewoodlands ! Looking forward to the pics you will be posting.... (ahem!)
If the weather doesn't change, I'll be working in the rain but I'll have pics all summer. We took a ride today so we could check the water levels at one of the places we take the boat on, the water is at early spring levels. How have you and the boss been doing?
I felled about 10 or 12 ash on the hill out back, after pulling some of them out with the 4540 from the topside, I cleared this gully so the rhino can get through. This fall we should have another 10 ash down in this same area. I guy around here who has burned ash said it's nice firewood but you won't have any coals in the morning, I haven't burned much ash so what are your thoughts and maybe Backwoods Savage can chime in.
I guess it is possible he doesn't have coals in the mornings but we have no problem with that here. But perhaps he has a small stove and would have to burn something like oak which does give a longer fire than ash.