I've looked on youtube, and there's only one video, that i could find on doing this, and it wasn't that detailed. How much of a ''tear down'' is it to get to all the mounts on a 266 Husky to replace the mounts? thanks in advance.
I’m doing it tonight on a 1985 Husky 61. What it means is separating the tank from the case. Handle, Throttle linkage, Fuel line. And probably the pull start. I don’t have 266 so I’m not sure.
I was afraid of that, but, Thanks for the pictures, looks pretty in depth, but, i might just give it a try. I do know a guy who might be able to help me though the tough parts and give me a little help if needed.
It’s not that bad. It looks more Impressive exploded like that. Plus the bench is a mess adding to pieces not part of the work. Tools flat screw driver 4mm allen 1/4” drive Take off saw cover Take off flywheel cover Take off clutch cover and bar Take off handle ( this Saw has 1/4” hex head screws for this, most are 4mm allen) Disconnect fuel line from carb Disconnect throttle linkage from carb Remove the 6 4mm Allen screws, one at each AV mount. Lift the case by the jug off of the fuel tank. Remove the six AV mounts from the fuel tank. Now do it again but in reverse and using the new AV mounts
Thanks for the tear down procedure, it doesn't sound like to bad of a tear down, but, YOU haven't seen my bench, ha,ha.
Pics out of order but here’s some on the put back. Including about 15 minutes with the back side of the magnet bowl in the lawn looking for the throttle linkage I lost while air cleaning it behind the garage. If the 266 has AV mounts the condition that they were on this 61, I highly recommend the replacement. It feels like a new saw! Good luck!
Gotta go with the long handle magnet... much easier on the back. I drove 2 hours to my camp and realized I didn't have my keys (usually 2 sets in my truck). No problem, key hidden on the porch. Freezing cold and snowy and windy, I drop the key on my deck through one of the boards into the leaves, snow and crap buried under my deck. I pull the lattice off, crawl around with a magnetic parts bowl and lightly moving the leaves around for about an hour or so with no luck. Freezing I decide to run to town (40 minutes away) and buy the magnet on the pole and drive back and try again. Move some leaves that I already looked through and right there is the key. Problem was in my case, the key wasn't magnetic....