Cold rain & wind yesterday, warmer wind & rain today. Hit 70 for a minute, now 53 & falling. Cloudy & 50's predicted seemingly till about October. Sheesh, I don't mind cool weather, but clouds & rain everyday is wearing me down. Locust in the boiler.
I see some chilly weather headed our way... So much for that forecast of an above normal temperature for April...
30 right now. Must've got a little bit of flurries over night as the roofs are white...not only from frost, but some have a dusting of snow on 'em.
Temps were down in the 30's again today. Fire going in the Lopi. Forecast is for upper 70's by next weekend.
I gave in and lit a fire at it was only 68 in here. We like it warmer. Did you ever notice that 68 outdoors feels a whole lot warmer than 68 indoors? I've always noticed that difference and that is one reason we keep it so warm in here. Right now it is 70 with 38% humidity. It will get warmer very soon.
50 now supposed to drop to 37 Boiler been shut down for 2 days with highs 60's Fired back up this afternoon 40-mid 50 cast for the next week Giant punky soft maple crotch jammed in the boiler and 20 shovels of bark/chips thrown on top. Great fuel for milder temps.
Kicked off fire pit season in Dakota Territory tonight. Grilled some flat iron steak over plum wood, best steaks in ever! Going to have to start the insert also! Is Dakota the only places for outdoor and indoor fire in the same day?
It got to our forecasted low this morning at 35 and is now 36. Feels good out there with no wind. Does not look like we'll get a lot of sun today but should get some. None yet.
Started the stove last night about 9:30 for a chill chaser overnight. Thought I was done and usually in May here I just run the boiler a bit but still had some wood close. It went down to 43 overnight.
Forecasted high is right around 50 for the next few days... Brought in another load of pine and sugar shorties. I thought I'd be starting next season with a ton of shorties, but at this rate I'll go through them all by the time we shut down!
A little cool in the house, burning fir bark in the stove. Gives a quick fire without any long term commitment and I have a huge pile of it. Outdoors I'm burning ponderosa pine needles, big mountains of 'em. Hope I can get 'em done before they shut it down for good. After the Camp Fire, raking and burning seems like trying to bail out the ocean. And we've made the "next to burn" list.
Thinkin' real hard about a fire in a little bit. Just a small one should do. Feels cool inside even with it still almost 50 OAT. Supposed to hit 32 tonight.
Sounds like it will be warming up this coming week. Good. I'd like to see some 60 and 70 degree days again and also would like to see less rain. It is getting to the critical point here with the farming, or lack of farming. Just too wet to do any field work and both corn and beans need to be in the ground now! Reminds me of one year when I was young and we had a cold and wet spring. Finally the weather broke in May. One night our father looked at us 3 boys and said there will be no school for you boys for a few days. We were on the tractors (yes, we used them back then rather than oxen) for the next 3 days. The last day turned out hot and at age 12 I got the first sunburn I'd ever experienced. Whoa! What a wake up that was. Then it turned cold and wet again so we had to return to school and those warm clothes surely hurt the skin!!! And to think I used to laugh at one of my brothers who was red haired and he always burned to a crisp. Sad as it got him later in life... RIP Jerry.
Backwoods Savage you're right about that....... It's 72° now, I'm sure it'll be in the mid 70's today.... Looks like everyone had a great time @ your GTG......