Or is it just a bad deal? Never tried one, but don't want to waste money on one if they don't work right.
I've used them ... ... in a Shindaiwa 488 ... in a Stihl 361 ... and in a Husqvarna 262 All performed flawlessly and are still in use today. In fact, the 488 would fire so reliably that I think it could start by just flipping the flywheel by hand. I have read that some folks suspect the latest aftermarket coils fire at a lower RPM, but I've never seen any testing done to back this up.
I’d never changed one so when a Shindaiwa 488 went under I tried one in it. Fired right up but I haven’t run it enough to see how durable it is. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I've tried one on my Husky 394. It worked for a few months before it crapped out, and power wasn't optimum on it. Seemed like maybe the timing curve was off.
I've got 8 still running fine after 2 year's In 372s I did fry one in another saw my most heavily used ported 365/372 15.00 got a replacement
Well mine finally came in and I got it installed. Seems to work fine, so time will tell. I ordered a backup just to have on hand.
I put one on an MS270 last fall. Stihlership wanted $75 for OEM, Am was $15. It started right up and ran fine, hasn't came back yet.