Yea, if it was that great you'd think more contractors would use it. Definitely pouring footers now with post bases buried in crete.
Well it is relatively new. I bet most contractors are still dumping a bag of powdered concrete into holes around the posts and moving on. By the time that pole rots out, their warranty is over.
Agree, but I would rather test it on a mailbox post or something before I tried it on a building. My pole barn posts are in gravel, not concrete.
Alright so I was curious about the Sika foam, roughly $14 a pouch and when it expands it about 0.7 cubic feet. Pretty impressive for some applications. An 80# bag of concrete is just under $4 and yields about 0.6 cubic feet of concrete. The big kicker is the foam is not intended for any structural use (not surprised by this) and can not handle side force. Think I will stick with concrete for now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk