It may have been another Conn FHC member. Maybe saewoody How far will you go to score wood Ctwoodtick or do you have your own land to cut from?
I’m 100 percent scrounge. Get most of my wood from the town dump. I think the dogs distance i would travel is based on the btu of the wood. I go up to maybe 30 miles or so for some black birch ( my favorite) or some locust.
Saw our first humming bird yesterday. Again today having a long drinight at the feeder. About 2 weeks later than most years.
How are the pickings at your dump? Ive never cut locust. Tiny bit of birch this year for me. Love the smell of it!
Pickings at the dump is usually pine and soft maple. They know me and leave stuff aside for me. This works though, it’s all heat. That and I’ll get stuff roadside from residences that have had treework of of the town or power company cuts wood in the area.
In the woods behind the house, looked down at first looked like someone had been cutting but as far as I know I'm the only one with permission to buck blow downs. Had to zoom so pic not great. Built a nice beach house right here in northeast Oh. Had our first Hummingbird 4/29
that looks like pileated wood pecker wood work JoeinO ! Have you ever seen one? We have them around here, never at feeder, but have seen them and heard in woods. BIG...the size of a crow and shaped like Woody Woodpecker? Once you see one you never forget it!
The bird coincides keep happening! Saw a pillared woodpecker today working on a tree stump in the neighborhood. I stopped the car threw it in reverse to try to get a video, but one of my dogs spooked it before video could be taken. Maybe the fourth one I’ve ever seen.
Funny. The Ct birdwatchers society used to park their cars in front of my mothers house to watch the feeders LOL Easier than traipsing through the woods I guess. Summer nights I like to sit on my steps at dusk as all the mourning doves come home. They roost in the pines next to my yard. Must be a hundred of them and they all come pretty much together. You’d never know they are in there. Then the bats come out.
Too bad, i have never got a pic of one Ctwoodtick . We are fortunate to hear them on a fairly regular basis in our woods. Very loud, vocal and unmistakable call. See it maybe every 2-3 months. Few Winters back one flew directly over my head, and lands in the woods 50 yards from me. She took pics w/35mm but they didnt come out that good. Watched it peck away at the base of a tree for 20 minutes.
I have a nutty question. Do any of you bird guys have a good source for identifying a bird by call? At my old home (now rental) we used to hear a very distinctive call in the evening. We moved a couple towns over (and up a couple thousand feet in elevation) and don't have the same bird here, so I can't provide a recording, but I'd love to find out what it is and maybe attract it with the right food or something. The call sounded like "here we go, here we go, here we go" in an increasingly fast cadence. Sorry for the crazy question. We miss the "here we go" bird.
actually i dont, but ill use the internet. Last Summer i was sitting out on the deck. I had cardinal calls playing on the laptop and next thing i knew two male cardinals were flying back and forth overhead. It was crazy! My late parents fed the birds for years so i grew up with it. I work outside and can identify most just by their calls.
My wife uses you tube, they have a good set of birds commonly found in our area, and whats up fellow ct hoarders
Howdy Ou812. A Van Halen fan I see. If there’s one thing we have going for us Ct has quickly become a hoarders heaven. Good to meet ya. Carry on and fill the coffers.
You ain’t kiddin. The only thing this weather is good for is to go swamp stompin on the atv. Chew up the skunk cabbage LOL