40F with a stiff E wind all day & cold rain. Gauge shows .77", it's cold & soggy. Odds & ends in the boiler. Supposed to be cool & damp through Thursday. Yay.
Hay I’m finally going to beat Rope. -62F outside about 70F in the cabin. Burning Jet Fuel in the Boeing 787 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well, it's 40 here and raining, cold and damp. So therefor I lit a fire, probably the latest in year I've ever burned. So Midwinter , I took your advice.
33 with 2-3 inches of new snow overnight & big goose feather flakes coming down now. Looks like it’s gonna last till early afternoon. Odds and ends in the stove, elm and ash mostly
Cloudy again this morning. Rain forecast next few days but supposed to be nice and in the 60's for the GTG this weekend. It's not too late if anyone else cares to join the fun this weekend. Just give me a shout and I'll guide you right in to Mid-Michigan for fun and games. We have a good one getting started! Yesterday's rain was not too bad and did not last as long as predicted. Good.
44F East wind & cold rain. 2+" predicted overnight. "Stuff" in the boiler. Sun would be something to see.
Sun just cracked the clouds and chased the rain.. For now. think we topped out in the 40s today. Took advantage of the brief window to stack a truckload. White pine keeping indoors toasty for the girls.
A raw 40° here, should stay dry during the day, but rain overnight. I'm going to have to move some wood in, I'm down to a little pile of oak in the basement. The forecast for May has us cooler than normal, sounds like I won't be opening the pool until June. Well, it's better than being too hot.
It felt really good to have a fire yesterday, so, please sir may I have another! Actually, I lit it an hour ago. 38* and damp.
I agree. I prefer this to the hot and humid stuff. Nice weather to get some work done outside even if it’s a month later than it should be. Kinda crazy to be burning on May Day but here we are. 39 and 71. Just lit a small fire with a few bricks, some pine and some punky birch. With a few exceptions we’re still building a small fire every morning and every evening before bedtime. Forecast is calling for similar for the next two weeks. It’s the longest heating season I can remember.
We have had a lot of extremes, but I don’t remember it being quite this consistent. Remember the year it was 80 in March?