Tree removal started. I am on the Bota looking East where the fence is to run. there is a dead Elm a huge one on the left, but you can't see it because of the Ash hideing it. Way down there just to the right is another dead Elm a small one that is dead center of where the fence will run. I cut it out of there and carved grooves in the stump so it rots away quickly. This is looking east down the fence line. we drove the 15 post in this section last Wednesday. There is a Ash tree here that will be in the way of standing the woven wire up aginest the post. I will take it our later. the cherry in the fore ground also has to come out as it is so close to the fence. This is looking west where the fence is going to go. I have already removed the smaller dead Elm that was in the path of the fence. I also have some of a Ash tree that was going to be in the way when I went to brush hog along the fence. This what is left of the Ash that isn't on the tractor loader. It will make some great fire wood next winter, along with what is on the tractor. Al
45ºF outside. Just got a 3.39 mile run in between showers. Brought a load of pine in as there are frost advisories for tonight and ya don't have to go too much further north and there are advisories and warnings. Brought my tomatoes in from the greenhouse just in case. It's warm inside and the house's thermal mass will probably take it thru the night and there is supposed to be sun tomorrow so probably won't need a fire in the morning but ya never know.
45F going down to around 40 with a stiff NE wind & rain coming in. Repeat for the next 3 days. Damp, cool , & cloudy with wind from the East. Perfect spring weather. Maple, Oak, & Ash chunks in the boiler.
Tough guy, NH mountain man! I've had a fire every morning, and load it until afternoon when it warms up. If you've got 'em, burn 'em.
I've got em', but I don't feel like burning em'. We don't mind the chill, besides I just got home from work and will be hitting the bed soon, and I like it cool for sleeping. The sun is up and strong, we'll survive. When the kids were little we kept the house warmer then, Mrs. Mt. Man has her big heavy Irish sweater on with a mug of hot Tea.
Frost here this morning 32* at 7am sun is shining and lots of blue sky OWB keeping the house warm with some Soft Maple and Pine.
Old timers think its the sun... Been so long since I've seen it I'm not sure. We are 2.7 inches above normal in precipitate this month.
On the overnight fire program, 21 out, spruce keeping the house warm. Growing the daylight hours, roughly 11 hours more that winter solstice was.
39ºF was the low this morning, it's 51ºF outside now. Two pine fires this morning and it is nice and toasty warm inside right now. That's probably it for today as it is a nice sunny day.
Just started raining but light rain. Hoping we don't get much. Started a fire when we got up as it is cool in here.
Down to 36* night before last. Wif started a fire for the afternoon, a few Fir splits and some uglies. House all warmed up. 44* last night and sunny this AM, so probably no fire today! Only a few splits left in the empty half of the wood shed but that won't stop the Wif if she wants another fire!
29 this morning leaving for work, touched 50 for a minute this afternoon. Back on the 'round the clock burning schedule to keep it 70+ inside.. White pine, twice daily is the prescription. Low and slow. Love the IS.