30F now. A small Elm load I fired up at 4pm yesterday is looking like it will keep us cozy until mid morning. Sure feels good after running the L.P. fired forced air for awhile! If the temp drops another 5 degrees we will set a new low temp record. It might as well. We set a new yearly snow accumulation total yesterday from what I understand. Something just over 60 inch's. Impressive snow year for hear. Not so impressive in other parts of the country.
48* ....showers today....35* for a low tonite.....I'll have to find somethin to cover our hydrangeas n such overnite....
41F, 60F in the house this am. Getting to the end of the seasoned stacks, so this morning is a few split ash limbs, and a load of locust
I got home from work about an hour ago and the temp was 34*, I know I said a while back I was done burning for the year. So I started thinking I'll build a small fire to warm up the house, inside temp is 53*. But then, the sun came up bathing the house in it's heat, and there is no wind. So I cracked open a beer to sit down and type and here I am with no fire. The late April sun is strong, works for me. By the way, I picked up 3 Red Oak rounds 10" diameter and a dozen White pine logs 6" round on the way home. A nice bonus.
Snow completely missed us! Forecast low of 31 and it got to 36. We're find but I did light a fire this morning. Sun is shinning.
Snow on the front door bush at 11:00 PM last. Was gone by 2:30 AM this morning. Went out at 7:00 AM and let my dogs go into their outside pens if they wanted. North wind swinging a sharpe knife in each hand trying to remove exposed flesh. Glad I built a fire last night. Al
Got down to 25 this morning. Nice fire going in the Lopi and will be getting ready to go to church and Sunday school. Hope to cut some wood this afternoon.
Right at freezing this AM. Completely clear and sunny........wait, I hear the splitter calling my name. Yep, more splitting today. Heading to 52, so although I was going to have a fire, I now think I won't. The is quite good this morning.
Only two shifts, each one is 5:30 to 5:30, One is days, and one is nights, obviously. There are no weekends in my world, or holidays for that matter. I work Christmas eve, as well as Christmas itself. Throw in Thanksgiving, 4th of July. You get the picture.
SE Michigan 8:17 AM 4-28-19 36F, feels like 30F, humidity 79%, wind N at 6.9 MPH, sunny. I have some trees I am going to attemp to remove from the fence line we are building. Only have about 15 more post to drive then I can start rolling out the wire and strech it. Al
Over in Vermont they are a little "different", here in NH we never burn snowflakes. They make too much ash.
39* & very breezy. Hadn’t had a fire in over a week, but now it looks like I’ll probably have one most of this week. Made a circle in the back lot and picked up odds and ends laying around + shorts and uglies. Ash elm few pieces of pine & hackberry. Now headed to an auction to see about a Husqvarna that’s listed on the sale bill, no idea what model. Could be a wasted 2 hours each way or could be a score! I’ll let you all know
Yes I missed a comma!! BUT that is certainly taken out of context.. I can't speak about my opinion of snowflakes on FHC.. Soo