Winter arrived again today. Fourth winter of the season and 2nd of the last 7 days. It's been a strange winter. We started out good, then winter got canceled back in December... And finally got back to being winter in mid January.. . After a decent February, then we had some days in the high 70s and then third winter showed up last week Wednesday with 3 inches of snow. More warm days and another winter arrived today with four inches of wet sloppy snow. It's Wisconsin and all but this is strange even by our standards.
come to New England and its even stranger. April of 2002 it was 90 degrees in mid April and a few days later it was flurrying! I remember it well as my B-day is the 18th
I think this spring will be interesting for a lot of people.... We have a tornado watch until 4 a.m. The last couple of years its been a pretty cool to cold spring...complained about too much rain but hardly no severe weather means more severe weather with cold fronts....
And... Third spring today. Started the day at 24 degrees with a lot of snow on the ground. Now...its in the 50's and the snow is history .
My mom used to have an old sayin...... Sometimes ya cant win for true when it comes to weather....just pray
Is the weather getting stranger or are we just complaining about it more? Maybe being from New England I’m just used to all the variables happening in one day LOL
I spent a total of six years up in Connecticut and Rhode Island, back in the late 80's and early 2000's. For me, the weather "never" seemed to make up it's mind what it wanted to do until about Fathers day, then it just got hot! I walked the pier at the Navy base in Newport one Easter in a full blasting snow storm!
As the old saying goes.. "Don't like the weather? Wait 10 minutes, it'll change." Weirdest weather related thing I've seen was when I was a kid. It was raining on one side of our school, but didn't rain on the other side.
Proof that the weather is on the fritz again arrived a little while ago. Another snow storm after two weeks of pretty warm weather, including a couple days in the high 70's.
I remember that April. Was kicking some serious arse fishing and got pretty bad sunburn during that heatwave.
Well I’ll tell you I’m not sure what to make of the prolonged wet spell in the east. Sure hope it levels off to more normal spring and summer.
Yep, Michigan's about the same. We've had some decent sunny weather & a few days in the 70's. It's snowing now. Seems like winter gets here in January & leaves in May. Don't remember it being that way years back. It seems as though it's cloudy & damp a lot more than it used to be. Been in shorts & sun burned on Easter & Carhart's and a blizzard the following Easter. Ya get what ya get I guess.
I remember several inches of snow just prior to Memorial Day one year. That will put a chill into you.
I remember having to shovel basepaths and home plate for little league practice in June.. Outfielders wore boots Infield grounder made the baseball size of basketball!
That's one of the most important things to remember... Also means more days cooking our asses off in spring summer and fall.