I was off work today so I decided to go cut some trees down. I got some black locust, ash, standing dead elm, and what I think is pin oak? I have several pictures of the bark and a split piece. What do you guys think?
Not sure what it is but I like what you're doing there. I also like that greening grass seeing as how we've still got a foot and a half of snow on the ground here. And the hen.
Can't say I've seen pin oak in person, but that split face definitely screams oak to me. I HAVE seen some nice operations in person, and I daresay you've got one of those, too. Nice haul!
yup looks like pin oak to me The Muzzy. If it smells like manure it is. Nice straight grained one too. One i recently processed had all the little knots on the trunk which made it fun to split. A day off making firewood is a day well spent IMO! Nice looking wood and well done!
Thanks, yes it did smell. It is very straight grained which will be great when I split it. Yes it was a nice day to get wood. 63 was the high today
It's pin or looks like it but very unusual as most have numerous limbs and most times they start quite low. Knots galore. But burns very nicely.
Could be scarlet oak. The lack of lower and middle branches is odd for Pin oak. Unless it's a forest tree and was never able to develop the typical branching structure that you typically see in Pin.
I had chickens for years and they were always around when I was splitting. Crack a round of oak and the ants come spilling out just stand back and let them do their thing. Made the yokes a darker yellow, almost orange and very good!
Well not just the ants. Mine were running around the yard eating bugs and worms and anything else small that moved. It would be funny when one of them would catch a mouse and start running and all the rest of the hens were chasing her to steal the mouse away. Loads of entertainment.