No sir and thank you for asking savemoney . Ironically, I go to court this Wed, some 10 months later to begin the prosecution and hopefully recoup some damages. I have nice pics of my injuries, the tree, the road blocked, receipts from log yard and lots of medical bills. I will post the outcome. Hope you are well and enjoying some spring weather. I’m splitting last Sundays haul and will post that this eve. Have a great day sir.
I would go for the milling of the stumps. we hoarders don't need no chemicals to get rid of them right?
That should work just fine. For it to work you have to apply it fairly quickly after cutting, like within an hour. Concentrate on the edge of the tree and don't worry too much about getting it on the heartwood. Does not do anything there. Try not to let it run down the side of the tree too much although I think you mentioned that there were no other plants that you were worried about. Good luck.
I'm glad at least a few folks have mentioned the cancer link. A guy who applied annually for his job is covered in tumors. We have some in the garage, plan to turn in at the annual chemical clean up day after hearing this. I don't believe it's media hype...its just not worth your life for a few weeds.
I have seen so much physical illness and death from agent orange, I want nothing to do with herbicides. Agent Orange is a whole 'nother thing than roundup. Several times more potent. Think of it like fire, fire for a weenie roast, or bomb fire. I just don't want to get burned by either of them.
I don't use chemicals at my house either. One of the few with a well in the area, i just wonder what neighbors are using, I know most of them don't because they all have dandelion like me. I burn the yellow flowers when I see them with a propane torch. Small bird planted trees, I dig out with a grub hoe/mattock. We lost my dad last year, he had signs of agent orange exposure, evil stuff. He flew Hueys in Vietnam in '68 and '71. Sent from my SM-J727P using Tapatalk
That is a incorrect statement , however GARLON when applied correctly will do the trick with no adverse effecrts
I have a shallow well, 16 feet. So anything I spray or use would end up in our drinking water, so I use no chemicals of any kind on my land. Stumps rot after a while, and the water stays good.