This trip was just a 3 day whirlwind trip for my birthday, sightseeing around Fairbanks, and showing the wife to Alaska.. I mean showing alaska to my wife. Hoping to get her convinced to relocate. This was my 4th time up there.
We hit 60 today! Did a number on the snow pack. Green is visible next to the road where it gets salt and water splash, and we've lost a ton of driveway ice - can even see some dirt under some of the runoff channels. Patio (aka Mrs Papi's parking spot in the winter..) is mostly clear. I let last night's load carry the day until Mrs Papi got home from toddler/mama swim class and threw a few splits on because they were chilly. Said toddler enjoyed puddle stomping. I may have joined her. Loaded up a little ash after dinner, that will get us through the brutal 40* overnight. Got some of my weekend chores done this evening (truck oil change) so I'll have more time tomorrow to try and get some pine splits down off the hill for the coming week. Will load in some more Sugar maple and ash after cutting it down to size, maybe start a wood rack for indoors. supposed to be clear and mid thirties out this weekend - perfect weather to get a pile of work done!
32F here with some snow. Headed out to skid & deck some logs tomorrow! Sassafras & Oak in the boiler.
Was a bit chillier than forecast overnight, was around -18 c or about 0 f this morning, although it did warm up to within a few degrees of freeze/thaw. Stove sipping wood, the birds are active, the dog is happy, the wife is in good spirits, so I think this nice weather was really needed.
Was still in the mid 70s inside and lower 50s outside when I went to bed last night so no overnight fire. Woke up to 68* inside and 32* out. Time to relight the fire.
38 out 76 inside. Looks like 35-40 during the day and in the teens and 20’s at night for the next week. Good maple sugaring and snow melting weather. We’re down to around 2’ on the ground. As of yesterday I can see the top of my box blade that’s sitting on a pallet out back. It’s my snow gauge. It’ll be awhile until I can get the tractor out there...
I started a fire last evening for the first time in awhile and its 30 outside this morning. I have about half a face cord in the rack that's mostly hickory that should last me for the season .
44° here, and will get a little warmer. It may be t-shirt weather again today. I started a morning fire to warm up the basement, birch and maple. I'm almost done splitting sugar maple. I've done the big rounds, just have a pile of limbs left. It ought to just finish filling one bay of the shed. This week I got 7 free plastic pallets, and yesterday UPS brought 6 new sets of steel brackets for 2x4 racks. I have to snip some brush, but then I can set up some new stacking space. Today I think I'll rake the front yard, it has mostly dried out, but it looks horrible. Have a great day everyone!
30 outside this morning and only supposed to see 36 with light snow flurries. 71 inside and I loaded some elm and locust about 6:30. Started the fire back up when I got home from work yesterday, it was 75 here on Thur. I have Black Betty loaded heavy with some poplar I was giving to a friend to use for cooking maple syrup and the dang fuel pump went out so I will be putting what I can on my short bed and hauling that today.
28F this morning on its way to 41 they say. Not gonna burn much if I don’t get some hauled in. This tiny bit of elm & ash is all I got. Making firewood is the plan for the weekend
20 here. The plow rumbled by about an hour ago so I'm now cleared for take off! No where to go, but at least I can go!
52ºF outside, headed for estimated 56ºF 69ºF inside from solar gain, so far. Fairly sunny day. Nice Spring Thaw, but 40ºF for the high tomorrow and pretty much the rest of the week. Stove gets a break until tomorrow morning, looks like.
Not too bad overnight, and already sitting at -5 c or 23 f. Tetris loads really carry themselves a long way overnight in this mild weather. Should see it hit a few degrees above freezing today, with a chance of bbq or hotdogs over a fire this evening.
Screwed up with no fire last night. 63 this morning in the house. Thought I was camping and time to get up to go hunting... Fire going nicely in the stove now though. A skiff of snow overnight. Looks like good maple syrup making weather in stock for this week.
I slowed down this afternoon, it got too windy to rake anymore. This must be what went through Michigan yesterday, not nearly as bad, but I didn't want to fight it. All my spring flower bulbs are coming up.