I don't even know how to deal with this weather now that it's warmed up! Going to take some getting used to that's for sure. Currently -2 c or 28 f and looking for +4 c or 39 f for a high today.
Snowing again but too warm to really stick much. 33.1 °F with wind. Should be moving out in an hour or two though. Arizona Cypress in the stove.
J.P. has it been warming up much daytime yet? No doubt some of the snowbirds have already headed back north. I remember when we wintered near Yuma for several winters that come the first of March it was like a mass Exodus down there.
We got pea seed in the mail but it will be another month before we get it into the ground. Still frozen. Still lots and lots of ice. But we have lost quite a bit of the ice and snow. Bare spots showing in places but not much. Maybe today when I go out I'll find that out in the open more snow and ice has melted. A couple bunches of sand hill cranes yesterday and one flock of geese but that is it for spring birds so far. Usually red winged blackbirds are back by now. I'm betting robins will start showing up within a week.
Absolutely NOT. When they find my suet feeders I have to stop filling them as they are ravenous pigs. They'll empty out a bird feeder too sometimes. Anyway, I stuck a soil thermometer in the ground and 1. still frozen about an inch or two down and 2. where I could get it through the layer of ice the temp was 35 degrees. Still too cold. This weekend is probably too soon. AS soon as the soil is 40+ though I'm gonna try. Maybe when the snow is gone. Had a couple of pine fires this morning and threw the last sticks for the day in around 10:30. 44ºF outside, the forecast high for the day.
35 here now and we may get some snow squalls tonight coming down from your way. It was up to 39 and sunny, a nice day. No fire this am, but there will be one tonight.
50* 75* I got home from work thinking no fire tonight. Then the gas kicked on set at 65. I thought nah I'll burn again.Tomorrow they say 65. Then back to the 30's for Friday and the weekend.
It has stopped raining for the time being and it looks like another night with temps on the right side of freezing!
33 here now with a mix of snow that wants to be rain, and rain that wants to be snow. A miss mash of wood for the light off of the stove. I'll get some hard Maple in for the overnight coals.
My folks just returned to Vancouver Island BC from Palm Springs the other day. From what Ive heard its been coolish down there for them over the last few months.
Inside the oak bundles there is frost it's so warm it's colder inside the bundles. 37f burning oak slabs. Ice rink heaven. Sent from my LGL84VL using Tapatalk
37*-68*.....oak in the oven.....probly leave it burn out today.....today low 60s....tomorrow close to 70*. Little chill sets in this weekend...mid 40s.
30 and 76 and we have 2-3” of fresh wet snow that will melt later with a high of 40+ and 50 tomorrow. Still waiting for the coals to burn down then I’ll burn a few uglies to keep the chill out. Might be able to let the fire go out tomorrow. I don’t think I’ve used any kindling since sometime in November and I’m looking forward to it.
Just around 30 this morning. The Maple and Ash mix of large splits from last night is still keeping the boiler hot. Come on 50s!!!