Hello all, just a reminder on being prepared with nice dry wood and kindling. A few weeks ago i had awful pain in my back for about a week, then the snow came and snowblowing brought that pain to a level i never want to feel again. Taken away by ambulance because it was so severe, turns out i have a bacterial infection in my spine. Iv been in the hospital for 15 days and now thankfully in rehab. I need antibiotics through iv for the next 30 days in this rehab, my back feels much better. But what i meant by the title of my thread is that im glad i have alot of properly seasoned wood, homemade firestarters and kindling. My wife and daughter have had to keep the stove running while im in the hospital. Even my little guy is helping by being a good boy while daddy is sick. The only other heat source in the house is portable heaters because of some remodel going on and the baseboard heat is out of service. Of course i havnt used baseboard heat in 8 years , sure could use it now. I am glad my house is extremely well insulated. Fortunately my parents and sister live down the rd and my brother - in-law, nephew and Dad have been keeping the wood rack in the livingroom full. Bottom line this would have been a nightmare if the girls would have had to deal with wood that wasnt 3 years seasoned.
Glad you had resources in place! Sure hope you kick that infection completely! Sounds like you have a lot to go home to!
Sorry to hear that...15 days in the hospital is a horrible experience and no vacation by any means! Glad you're feeling better and were prepared. Knowing your family was able to stay warm was at least some peace of mind.
Sorry to hear about all your pain, but, thankfully you were prepared. I try to look ahead myself and be ready just in case. It must come from my grand dad, he did the same thing all of his life. Glad to hear you found out what the root problem was and that you are healing. I fell one time in the bed of my pickup while unloading some wood. The next day i could hardly move, finally got to the chiropractor and he helped me out immensely. I couldn't split wood or carry wood into the house. My wife PAID our grand daughters boy friend to bring wood in for us. That ticked me off knowing that this guy took the money, i've never asked for or took money for doing any one a favor, its just the way i am. It took a while but, i was back to my old self in a while, be patient and do what has to be done, you'll be healed up in no time.
Woodwhore glad your on the 3+ year plan. They figured out what was wrong and are addressing the problem! Feel better soon!
Wow, a spinal infection, that's really serious! Did you have to go to Boston? I hope the rehab is OK, 30 days is quite a stretch. Can you walk OK? Want any visitors?
I am so glad to hear of your doctor finding the cause of the pain. I was not a member here when I had surgery on my arm and was basically out of wood cutting for over a year. A good pile of wood properly cared for is better than money in the bank. Hope you get to feeling better soon and home and doing what you want.
Thanks for sharing Woodwhore and so glad to hear you are recovering. Certainly puts into perspective as you mentioned about being ahead and not having to worry should something happen. Get well soon!
Scary stuff bud! Happy to read you’re on the path to recovery and have a great support system in place at home
Ya they sent me to southern and then i was in boston med ctr real quick. When it was time to leave BMC they sent me to a place in Fitchburg that my wife pulled me out of in one visit (kind of a dump) now im in a Leominster rehab, still in a decent amount of pain but much better than i was. Im not good company rt now, sleeping alot with these meds but I appreciate that. I get therapy every day, slow recovery but there is light at the end of the tunnel There is alot of firewood content on you tube. Makes me wanna b out there so bad. Thank you for all the positive comments
So glad to hear that you're recovering Woodwhore prayers that it continues quickly! Thank you for reminding us all about being ready for the unexpected.
Wow, Woodwhore this is not good news at all. Prayers out for you for sure. Hope you are back home really soon as you will recover better there than in a hospital or rehab place. Surely makes you appreciate the work you've done with getting ahead on your firewood. One more plus for the 3 year plan.
Exactly what I tell people (not wood heating folks) when they come to my house and say something about all the firewood I have. Have to be prepared if something would happen and I could not cut for a season or two. Good for you on being ahead. Good luck with recovery.
Wow. I thought I knew about back pain but never heard of spinal infection. Glad they’ve figured it out and are fixing you up. Glad to hear your heat bank was full too. Speedy recovery.