I just woke up and felt a little cold so I checked the temperature. I wish I had the fire burning, if I had known it was going to get this cold overnight I would have had some Redgum burning. I am going for a mountain bike ride in a couple of hours I hope it warms up by then! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes I can appreciate that, but for us Aussie’s this is cold, especially during summer. Two days ago it was 100F here and a low of 70F overnight. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just 10 F this early evening. I’ve decided I’m going to start supplementing my firewood with other BTUs. On top of a deep bed of wood coals, these should help....... And this stuff should help as well...... Although this will be used sparingly, it burn hot!
15 here now and falling fast, should end up a few degrees above 0*, Maple & Elm once again. Fired the stove good during the sunlight which was warm in spite of the actual cold air temps. This really kept a lot of heat, compared to the "low Sun/long darkness months" of Dec. & Jan. So I'm not firing that hard now.
10 here, supposed to drop down to 4 overnight. Ten day forecast has lots of thirties and forties though! Spring can't come soon enough - too much to do this year before the next snow fall with another little one on deck! Found out a couple weeks ago that Mrs Papi is carrying #3 and due on 10/17. That means the IS will be running hard next winter, so Mr Papi better be done with the wood chores early and with a strong bias toward "more is better."
Well Canadian border VT, after a chilly start it has turned out to be an absolutely GLORIOUS day, currently 68F and sunshine with just a breath of a breeze. Just back from a 10 mile MTB ride with some blokes from work. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I will. I have burned Wood Pellets in my Gassification boiler before. Always on a deep bed of wood coals. But I have not tried this small coal yet. From what I have read, a small % of coal to cordwood will be okay. Too much and it may cause problems.
Forecast tonight is for a low of 12*.....it is currently 8* outside To the weathermans credit it is usually a few degrees cooler than forecasted at my house. We'll see how far off they were by morning. Wont be long before its overnight fires only. Congrats on the incoming arrival BigPapi
CONGRATS BIGPAPI!!!! 24 here with ash burning. Warm wet weather on the way. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Another night of below zero here. Forecast is -5 but it has been colder than the forecast lows for quite a few days now.
21F here now & the snow finally quit today. Supposed to stay in the teens tonight, so a bit warmer. Light wind & decent out now. Oak & Sugar Maple in the boiler. Congrats BigPapi & family!!!!!! Great news.