A bit colder than it was supposed to be but no surprise really. We saw temps rise to around -15 c or 4 f late afternoon yesterday though. Can't stay cold forever...poplar n heating oil.
Bingo! We got another day or two of sunshine. Usually at this time of year we start getting more like this and it makes people happy; especially me! Now if we could gain another 30 or 40 degrees it would really be super nice! Freezing rain predicted for Wednesday....
20f and sunny might need to fire up the Weber do more ribs . Search holzafforma G070 now there's a chip maker . Everyone needs one in their arsenal. Don't let weight shock you it's all about the chips. Crazy looking saw. Even being a Husky guy I would buy one. Has that old school flair. Oak slabs are burning . Sent from my LGL84VL using Tapatalk
I don't think they were calling for it, but we've gotten at least 5"-6" of snow since this morning. Temps in the low 20s. You got the same Canadian border VT?
Maybe 4 or 5 hard to tell, 2 inches in spots, drifts knee deep or normal. Town plowed and I have enough for kubota to blow
Got a little snow Yesterday and overnight About 3 inches , 24 here And sunny With a little ash and a couple of bricks In the box They say it's going to be clear tonight and get a little chilly Low -3 °F
I took pictures as the snow moved out. I'd like a better camera for shots like these. The smart phone doesn't do any justice!
We have turned a corner despite the impending snow. It started out cold this morning, in single digits, but calm. The moon and moonlight on the horizon in the north sky was incredible prior to sunrise. Then around 9 am the sun started to warm the shanty, so I had to turn down the stove to low. When I went outside at 10AM it was brilliant sunshine, with a blue sky, no wind, and the radiant warmth of the sun made me hot enough to strip down a tee-shirt and wool shirt for shanty removal which involved a lot of chiseling, prying, pushing and winching with a come-along. I had the truck windows open and my cap off to cool down for ride across the lake..sunglasses were needed for an intense glare off the snow.
20 here, took a few inches of snow between last night and today.. It fell slow and fluffy, so it can stay. Rain coming mid week, so that'll take care of it. I was just beginning to think that we didn't have enough bloody ice around here anyway. Pine and Sugar maple keeping the house temp at 74. Switching to ash and Sugar for overnight.
24 here. Low of 17 tonight. Ash burning, 75 inside. It will be a sad day when all the ash trees are gone. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk