Can't figure it out. At this point, there is no mention of cancelling any sport activities scheduled on the same evening!
Real light snow earlier this morning but now it is starting to snow hard. Might get 6+ inches today and tonight.
So yeah, still stuck in a funk here (almost all of Saskatchewan actually). No water lines froze though. Wood n oil n electric to get the shack up to non polar temps. Was feels -51 c or -59 f with the wind at 8 am!
36 now 24 last night with rain.. solid sheet of ice, you know it's bad when the state plow truck goes off the road spreading salt. I went and picked up a friend's son at work, cuz he was 16 I need didn't really know how to drive in this. It was interesting! I love studded snows. House is 78 burning ash.. Ice on top is salt and sand!!!
When people around here complain about the temps I tell them "at least you dont live in Prince Albert!"
To be fair, the weather only sucks 1/2 the time! We've had plenty of somewhat moderate winters at least relative to Saskatchewan, but when we get hammered, it's a big hammer.
74 today high 25 low tonight. 35 high 18 low tomorrow. more rain next week, who does not like spring,summer,fall in the month of feb. ?
- 3 overnight with light snow and wind came up in the morning. S'posed to reach zero and 45 mph winds this afternoon. 79 inside temps...poplar and ash in both furnace and stove. Expecting multiple reloads in both overnight.
Woke up to 38* and very thick fog. Rain rolling in just about the time Chaz gets off work. Fog finally lifted by. 11. Currently 50 out and 80 in. Nice and toasty.
Got to the city and back home safely. Watched the radar and determined that if I headed east then south then back to the west that I could miss most of the storm. It worked. Had mist all the way there and part of the way back but on the way home the roads were only wet. Not a problem.
65 degrees outside....feels like spring....everything made of rock or metal is sweating profusely. Supposed to drop 53 degrees by morning. Yikes.
Cold front just showed up. Sounds like a train...raining sideways. I'm the 65....30's knocking on our door.