Just a little of what I've been up to lately. I don't always post my scrounges because often times as you can see I just get a little here or there while on errands. Today I took a little drive through my favorite cemetery for wood which happens to be on my way home from work. The first pic is an example of my many unremarkable scores I don't post, but they do help me keep my wood banks from depleting and ready in case a blizzard or lengthy period of being frozen in. It was a small score of long dead and debarked honey locust and elm. The second pic is today's score which is almost all oak and very dry with some more wood behind the pile out of view. I'm still loving my saw that made quick work of bucking to size on location with plenty battery power left!
Nice that you have enough daylight after work to do some scrounging! That all looks like primo stuff. Nice size too, the skinnier it is the more likely it will be dry.
Yes, not always but today I had a special circumstance at work where I teach called a "rapid dismissal". It a form of fire drill practice and though it was only 15 minutes earlier than usual it made all the difference with traffic because all the many other schools did not let out and jam up the roads with students and teachers. So I thought I would take the opportunity to explore.
When I was in junior high, I had gym last period, and I would "rapid dismiss" myself... would walk home instead of getting on the bus, and get home at the same time.
Interesting to note that not much has changed since then. Kids will be kids and they continue to do that stuff today albeit with a bit more cameras, x ray machines, door alarms, and security staff making those stunts more difficult. However with some additional creativity a willful and cunning child is hard to contain. I'm sorry Molly, but given your confession I'm gonna have to give you a long over due detention and assign some extra community service hours at the dump where you will help them clear out some wood
I humbly accecpt that penalty. I don't think the gym teacher even took attendance. I passed gym, anyway, and I wasn't there A LOT.
Here's what I'm drooling over, but it's way too busy for a snatch & grab during the day. Waiting for Sunday, I should have my new saw by then. I hope it doesn't disappear in the meantime.
Oh great... now I'm drooling over it. That's some beautiful oak there and it even comes wrapped with a pretty pink bow like a gift! Yeah the saw will definitely help you get as much of that as possible. Looks like some cherry in there too to keep it interesting...Good luck!
I had a little scare today, Asplundh showed up again with the chipper, but it was just to cut a couple pines on the other side of the drive. At 3P they were sitting in their truck, playing with their phones, and the oak was still there, except for a pickup-sized load that had been moved inside the dump fence, some dump worker's personal stash, no doubt.
I know it's enough to drive you crazy because it's such a potentially beautiful score. Actually I'm surprised it's still left there, but I don't know how precious a score that is in New Hampshire. I can tell you that here gorgeous logs laying stacked like that are rare and would not sit for more than a day or two before someone or some commercial/utility company scooped them up. Stay positive though, because you have their weight and length on your side which at least rules out the capabilities of the average passerbyer. Soon you will have the secret weapon
It's so busy there, you would have to move it before 6A or after 5P on a weekday. If I get my EGO saw in time, I might go over this afternoon. Dump closes at 1P on Saturdays.
It looks like there should be a car load there that you can move without cutting, or is that all moved inside the gate? Speaking of gates, I'm surprised you haven't found a way to cut through the fence to get in there after hours.
This sweet pile got moved behind the gate. I could probably pick up a carload that wouldn't need to be cut. There are piles in the background, some pine some oak, that need investigation. Hey, come on down, if you feel like it, we could get a lot out of there in a hurry.
Thanks for the offer, but I have plenty of oak in my yard, and right around the corner that needs to be cut. I need to focus on faster drying wood for now. I have my 3 year plan of oak almost done.
I hear you, I have that cord of oak from Julio that I still have to split. I don't really need more oak, but I hate it going to waste, and it will get frozen in place come Tuesday from the sound of it. Plus, it's a little excitement to jazz up my boring life.
Lol I hear that! I'm going to need a bigger saw to tackle the oak in my yard, so theres some excitement! Gonna have to wait though, hoping to buy a new boat this month.