Most of the guys at work take their vacation time in the Summer when its Hot and Sticky. Well, with whats coming next week for us over here in WNY...I'm thinking of taking a few days for what I call my "Winter Vacation". Temps will be in the single digits and the wind chill is to be -20F to -40f. Along with this some reports are showing a MONSTER Lake Effect event shaping up. Don't want to be caught out on that mess...I will decide tomorrow when I go in...Call me crazy....but I Love the Winter Vacation!
My Winter VAcation used to be the Miami Boat SHow in South Beach. Back when it was a huge event. Took two or three days to take it all in, especially if you took the time to shoot the sh!t with at least half the booth babes. Company dime. Back before my ankles injury and I could ski safely I'd ski at least every other weekend.
Just something about waking up on mornings like the ones were about to get, knowing the only thing you have to do is snow-blow and feed the stove Oak and Ash...
An area of low pressure will cross the eastern Great Lakes Monday night and Tuesday. This system will bring some snow and possibly mixed precipitation to the region. An extended period of severe winter conditons is expected Tuesday night through Friday. Extremely cold air will build down into the region with dangerously cold wind chills expected during this period. Accumulating, possibly significant lake effect snow is possible east of Lake Erie during this period. Strong gusty winds will likely cause periods of significant blowing and drifting snow along with poor visibility. GOOD EXCUSE FOR A FEW DAYS HOME!
We just canceled a trip to FL, which means I’ve got a week’s worth days I can spend in the woods instead of be a tourist. I’m very happy with how that turned out!
I did the "in water boat show there once". Had no choice, some Admiral in the Coast Guard said I had to be there, here I am in full uniform and "HOT" and all those pretty members of the opposite sex walking around.... Did I mention it was "hot"... and they were barely dressed. Did I mention it was "Hot"...