Well it will be swaddled in a good foot or more of snow come Monday morning. They sort of plow so you can drive up to the pile, but wood gets frozen in place pretty quick so you can't pick it up.
I'm looking really, really close, but I'm not seeing any car in that pic. Nice haul, as usual, Mollie. This thread should be renamed with midwinter in the name somehow.
We can all share car hoarding strategies and triumphs! Urban Woods brings a lot to the table. C'mon Mike, you have a car, ever pick up wood by the side of the road?
Oh sure, but usually near a friend or family. The majority of my wood now comes from felling trees, then I to my van to bring home. Not sure that qualifies for this thread. ........ but it might.
Well I finally got me some barrels! They were close and free, and I managed to fit 3 by scootching the seats forward. They were behind a little auto body shop and the choices were: older ones that were labelled motor oil, and newer ones that were labelled closed cell insulation resin (white), and solvent to add (black) that were labelled isothiocyanate, which I certainly didn't want. So I got one older oil one (red) and two of the insulation resin (white). We have a sawzall and some blades for cutting metal, and also some heavy tinsnips. Removing the ends will probably wait until spring, though.
Great, but you might want to go ahead and cut them. Oil drum will probably need washing out and airing out all of them.
I figure sawdust in the oil barrel, then a wipe down of the inside. The contents of the white ones looks to be polyurethane from the label, so they should just dry out in the sun (I hope).
Get a little diesel fuel and cheap mop first, then use sawdust, I think will work best, drums I get usually have isopropyl alcohol in them.
A work friend said he had some firewood to give away so I obliged him. Thought I was going to be getting a bunch of oak, but turned out to be mostly walnut, some oak, and a bit of poplar. Its all been seasoning for a couple years or more, so good to go. I got a bunch that are too wide for my insert so I will need to cut those down a bit. This is what I could get in my mini-van. And there is more where this came from, even a lot of ash and other oak rounds.
Nice of him to offer, and you should go back for the ash and oak rounds too. Get yourself known at work as the guy who will clean out wood from your property!