Heating my house I mean................... That's all I need to say..................................... Wood snob regards.
Good for you! As long as you are warm. The selection here is so good there is no sense looking at it. I might eat those words when the EAB has killed everything. Even the burr oak I helped Ralphie cut up the other day had been killed by a bug that had bored holes all thru the bark. If you do get cold come see me and I will cover you up.
Boxelder...my favorite tree to hate, and consequently, burn. Nothing else delights me more to shove into my stove than boxelder. I admit, I'll go out with intent to cut a few trees I know of that are dead or blew over. If I see a boxelder anywhere in the area, I have to kill it. I truly despise these junk trees, and I share your appreciation in burning them. But, I will not miss them when I've rid my property of the last one....if that's ever possible in my lifetime. Burn on!
Go for it whitey. It's been a long time now since I've burned any box elder. So much ash to burn here...
I cleared a small area that was almost nothing but Box Elder. I made a giant brush pile and burned it all. For me that about all its worth. I too kill everyone I find. I have enough good wood that I can afford to be a Firewood Snob!! I use a Masonry Heater so I like to get the most heat of the one load of wood that I burn. Doesn't make sense for me to burn low btu stuff.
I collect some if it is easy. I will not drive far or haul it any distance. Splits nice and gives off some heat during the shoulder season. Just split some today in fact.
Same here. I know a "lawn maintenance" guy...................lets me come to his place a grab all the wood I want in exchange for the "chili's" that I grow!!! I'm pretty famous among the amigos around here for my chili's!! If'n I can grab a cord+ of box elder at a time without having to drop and buck it......................big score for me IMHO.
Burned up all my box elder this fall shoulder season, going to need more for spring! I like box elder for what it is, just have to reload the stove every hour!
Chilis? I have some Carolina Reapers for ya. I store them in the freezer to keep from burning the house down...
Drove by the town yard waste give back area last weekend. Got a truck bed full of mostly Box Elder with a few rounds of Silver Maple. Free is free...