They use them so that the strapping machines doesn't damage the 4 boards located on outside corners of the stack of lumber. I've thought of that. Put a dado on the table saw and make a shallow pass. I think first thing I'll try though is to tack down the wooden board to the pallet, just to keep if from slipping out. That was the suggestion from the boss (wife) so I have to go with that first And maybe a wider board, these were 3", might need to go to a 4".
This is the tensioner I bought. Supplies purchased through Uline. Poly Strapping Tensioners in Stock -
My brother-in-law sold firewood on pallets like that in Columbia County, New York for years. He charged a small, refundable deposit on the pallet. Never seemed to get any grief over the pallet charge. He loaded and unloaded with his crane truck he had for his tree business.
I've just started splitting into these. Will let it season until dry & move to boiler as needed. Says 1650 Kilo max load. About 1/3 cord stacked full.
Those IBC crates here are too expensive. Otherwise I'd be all over that. Out of Toronto I can get them for about $10 but I'd have to buy a tractor trailer load, and then pay a driver for the 24 hour road trip. Not worth it.
I am enjoying all the labor reducing ideas & welcome more pictures to give me information on how to build better portable racks!
Ok here ya go. When I ran out of IBC,s I started making the racks on plastic pallets. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nice. Boy or boy, you're so lucky to have flat ground! I have to excavate and bulldoze when I want flat ground. The joys of living on a hillside.
Yea I figure I have about a 10 year plan going at the moment. Of corse we don’t burn as much wood down here as you blokes up there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
One of my favorite stores... they sell everything you could ever think of, and if you order by 12-1pm or so, next day everytime!!
Depends on your location I guess. It takes a week to get here. And anything that has to come on a pallet, whether its 10,000 envelopes, or to big rolls or bubble wrap.... costs $100. Double your order and the shipping doubles right along with it.
Hey, you have been busy there! Looks much different than it did last summer. Hope you two had a good Holiday.