New Jersey, inches and overage. Where I have the distinguished honor to unfortunately call my home is up by 18.2inches (30.7%), its still raining and the year isn't over yet....... New Jersey Year to Date Precipitation Departures
When my wife and I bicycled through Maryland and Pennsylvania last summer we must have done so during the only dry week they had. We didn't get rain but, man, there were miles of muddy and sometimes flooded, trails. The C&O Tow Path was a sea of mud with a few detours.
It switched here to snow about an hour ago but it is kind of a mix, and the snow that is accumulating is like a slush. At least it is white !
Ditto here ! We had a relatively normal moisture summer ,,,,,, then about the 20th of Sept the rains came and I think we might have had 10 full days of sun since . It's been pouring here since 2. Ugh