Almost a cord here. Winter and the cold really doesn’t start until January anymore in this neck of the woods.
4-40"x40"x48" wood bins of loose thrown shoulder wood up til Dec 19 in the Enflander 17 1/4 cord and 4 buckets of coal in the Woodchuck since then. Maybe 30 gallons of propane
How lucky you are to have such a strong independent mother at that age. Good for her! I'll bet she's a real character. Looks like she she found a good way to keep you coming around to visit since at that rate of burn she's gonna need regular deliveries of wood
My mom's the same way. She likes the wood I gave her last year that she didn't have to load the stove quite so often. (it's the same red oak from the same tree)
I have a hard time keeping track as I'm always grabbing extra wood from outside the shed. But ballpark is 1/2 cord Sept -Oct (maybe?probably higher). As of start of November, I had a half cord of uglies on shed floor now gone, a 8 foot by 7 foot row gone, and about 3 feet down on the next row. Call it .5 + .5 + .6 + .2 so far so I dunno 1 3/4 or 2 cords?
Two weeks of seasonal weather and the rest has been very warm. Hit fifty after Xmas. Absurd weather... Nearly rained out of my back yard. Keep dreaming if you think climate change is fake news. Two face cords and change burned so far. On the plus side we finally got snow last night. Not enough for the snowmobile but it's a start!
Looks like you have quite a nice selection of hardwoods in that region. I think its safe to say by looking at what you burned so far you'll make it through the season
Hej hej all, I have been burning since half september, the temprature has been around 0 celcius then (32 fahrenheit) October it went a little below freezing point and the end of october and november it went to about -10 celcius (14 fahrenheit). December we had some pretty cold periods around -20 (-4 fahrenheit), and now the temprature goes up a little again. All in all a pretty nice winter till so far i can Say. The snow depth is about 35 cm ( 13,77 inch) it is not so much as last year but i am oke with that, keeps up possebilties open for other things besides wood working. The wood goes pretty fast but this is the first year i got enough instore! Untill now i have been buring about 5 to 6 kubic meter ( 1,52 cord) keeping it warm and cosy). For now thats all folks, and i wish u all a very woody and healthy newyear! Have a nice day all!
We may see the amount we burn go up if the guessers are correct. Experts say disruptions in the polar vortex could cause temperatures to plummet in the US | Daily Mail Online
I've only burnt about 1/3 of a cord of pine so far from the rack. I've found a local business that gets rid of untreated, kiln dry lumber on a regular basis and that's mixed w a few splits of pine. Ive been burning 2 loads a day in the Fireview when needed. I haven't had to tap into my good stuff yet.
Wow, beautiful pictures as always. Around here you could fish from a boat, no ice, no snow, & no real winter in sight.
Thanks for the link Gas. They really seemed to hedging their guess, lots of could & may happen statements in the article. We'll see. Around here the vortices often bring in Canadian high pressure which makes for cold & sunny. I like that!
We've burned a full cord of mixed hard woods (oak, ash, maple) and 1/2 a cord of pine slabs so far this year, started burning about the middle of October here in the Adirondacks.
I’m not keeping close track of it. But I would guess we have burned two full cord by now. A lot of that has been Pine though. Which burns away pretty quick.