My last Christmas present. A day late but I am not going to complain! I had just said a day or two ago that I was due ......came across this today
I was out walking my dog and heard the chainsaw and followed it...... the guy cutting had no use for it told me stop back after lunch. Probably never work out like that again but I'll take it
Or your neighbors are deaf? It really depends on who heats with wood in your area ... I can only spot four other stoves in my neighborhood... That's like 4 out of 200
Well, we don't have much for real close neighbors (we like that) and many of the neighbors we do have also burn wood. In fact, I gave about a cord of wood to one neighbor for a Christmas present. At next year's gtg we'll make some noise with those saws! Yes, even the ported ones. I happen to know a few guys who have some dandies!
Sorry I missed this. He is a fox red lab. Really just a dark yellow but certain breeders special in them. We had a chocolate before this guy is 3 and really calm for a pup.
Me as well. Sometimes Ill be working and Ill hear a chainsaw in town and I follow it and find someone working up a yard tree like birch or apple. If I am home and I hear it, it means someone is in the forest harvesting firewood and I leave them alone as its none of my business. I almost always mention to my wife that I wonder if someone is taking the tree I had planned on harvesting. I jokingly refer to it as my tree...