Always have been curious as to what everyone pays for a Log Load dropped off. Over in my neck of the woods I can get a Log Load (8-12 face cords) of Ash for about $250. Can get a Log Load (5-7 face cords) of Pine for $50...........................What about you guys??
I use to get it free, but the owner found out they could sell it. $700 per load mixed hardwoods. Roughly I believe 7 to 8 cord. I haven't gotten any since it is not free.
Yea we were in a position we didn't have much choice. Since coming here we (I think more me than Chaz) are getting new ideas like finding new ways to get free stuff. Like when I just happened to be talking to a friend that works in construction if he knew anybody in roofing that we might contact for rubber roofing. Said no but he connected up with a friend who had some that he needed to get rid of. Score most recently and off comment by a fellow FCH member. Thanks to him we will be scoring some plastic pallets.
CAD$100-$140 (converted to USD$73-$103) per full cord (128 cu ft), min 8 cords, all hardwood. Low end pricing gets you yellow birch and maple mix, higher end can get you rock maple. Usually green but sometimes it can be 6-8 months old. This pricing is for logs. Not split stuff.
$700-900 seems to be the average around here for an 8+ cord load. Theres one guy selling 5 cord loads for $450, and another selling 7 for $500. The 7 for $500 is in MA though, and they cant deliver over the border
Nordic Splitter I don't know where you are but I've heard rumors that Fort Drum, is trying to get rid of ash trees for safety reasons. Some of my buddies in the army told me they were really cheap. Here roughly 100 cord log length..
I pay $420 Canadian for a 3 cord of log length delivered. 90% maple 10% white birch. The guy lives just up the road. I will be getting 3-4 loads this spring to get a bit ahead.
My last log hook up dried out. After trying a few different outfits found this load for 600$. Logs are 16 foot instead of the usual 20. I asked the guy how many cord he laughed and said you tell me. I’ll guess it is 6 cord in So. NH. Mixed hardwood. Red oak, maple, elm and some cherry.
What's the world coming to when people are describing a full log load in FACE CORDS?!?! A friend of mine gets loads that are claimed to be 8-10 CORDS for $500. All fir and hemlock.
There’s not much of a logging industry in northern Indiana in my opinion. I’ve asked a couple loggers about loads of ash and then didn’t even want to mess with it. There is a lot of ash rotting away around here. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk