This is Speck The Rescue-was abandoned in the neighborhood and lived on the street. He starting coming by more often because of food in the garage for now passed Savvy. He claimed a laundry basket in my garage where I have a gas wall stove...that lasted I think 2 days before he found his rightful place...He mostly guards the stacks and is so grateful...I still catch him burying hard bread I give him for digestive tract health that he stashes for hard times thinking he might need for later-the top pic is upon return from his first ever trip to the puppy spa for shave, clip, shampoo and toothbrushing...from the hood to the house!
This is a pic I like. A few members liked this picture in another thread today from three years ago so I thought it would be a good fit for this thread. Tundra is laying in front of stacks of Larch. I sure do love my dog.
Sully the 150# Anatolian Shepard. He's my back up log hauler. And Pierce the Australian Shepherd. Both keep me company when splitting and protect me from squirrels and grouse while cutting.
Bill with his little brother Bandit in line for a chip! It’s a crying shame that Ohio is pretty much void of game birds anymore.
Jackson & Emma on duty in the shop. No one passes without a treat. They go everywhere with me. Good dogs, take them cutting anywhere, they stay around close. Jackson is the Shepard Mix, Emma the Aussie.
Thanks Thor they do get along well, 5 1/2 year age difference plus opposite sex helps. Both are pretty good with other dogs, & Emma was just a lovable idiot puppy when I got her. She's certain that everyone & everything loves her. I've found that most dogs will work stuff out on their own if not interfered with.