Small overnight load cause I'm getting to bed late. This is about 1 hour after loading. STT cruising at 700* Flue temp around 790* and coming down slowly This is with the key damper closed about 60% and the primary air shut the whole way. I'll open the primary a touch in a few and let it cruise for the night.
I generally don’t see lots of secondary action until my fire gets past the initial ignition stage and really sets in and get a solid “coal heart” in the core. Then it gets solid momentum. I am wondering if it’s a tad too early to see secondary action yet in your video.
Nope The secondaries fire when the air in the manifold is heated sufficiently to combust un burnt gases and smoke in the upper portion of the firebox. Anytime the fire appears to be clustering or coming out of the tubes, or hanging in space above the fire coming off the splits that's secondary combustion. My favorite is when you load a softer wood on reload and the wood gas ignition will cause the firebox to fill with massive churning flames that appear to be flowing from the tubes.
I have a rather old in phone years Nexus 6P(4years), it has 2 slow motion speeds, 120fps and 240fps...and I have made many awesome secondaries vids with it. It also makes these rapid fire animations from still photos shot fractions of a second apart.
I shot these secondaries this morning in the Drolet Blackcomb with Motorola Turbo 2. Look in the middle and you can see the three circles of flame from the rear ports. That looked cool to me.
That’s awesome. Progress hybrid is my dream stove when I have a larger space for it. That’s enough secondary burn to keep STT up enough to throw some decent heat? Amazing. I’ll try my hand at a slow motion video of my secondaries tonight when I reload.
Not a progress hybrid but it’s what I have for now. Napoleon 1401 insert. Still think my glass gasket needs a little tweaking.
Just to clarify my vid was not slo mo Stove top temps are between usually 500-600 when the ghosts begin to appear which is about max for the PH unless you push it. I run mine with primary air shut for max efficiency. Use it’s mass for sustained heat not a quick blast. There’s some variation on those temps depending on condition of cat and gaskets. One time I saw the cat bring it to 700 with a black firebox. That was cool. Just a one time fluke tho when all the planets aligned just right. It’s the transition between cat burn and secondaries coming into play. Engage cat and close air at about 300 stt. The cat then pushes up the temp to the point the ghosts appear. Eventullaly they become constant as the stove gets hot enough the smoke has to burn. So many people hate cat stoves. Now that I’ve used one I don’t think I’d ever buy one without. Would be nice to try a secondary burn only stove for the experience. Only problem would be moving and storing the PH for a season lol
Yeah, I knew yours was in real time. Just thought it looked cool in slow motion, my tuber could never burn that slowly. Thanks for the info on the progress, got the wife sold on a ski trip and stop at Woodstock to pick one up just as soon as we get a larger place. But for now this tuber heats out 1300sq foot cape fairly well.