Well there Stephie, ya' missed a few spots! Just got back with 3460 lbs. of splits (weighed the truck and trailer empty/full on the grain scales.) Bucked and split Osage until the old guys had had enough, then filled out the trailer with Ash and Walnut splits. Soooo much more Osage to be harvested, I wish I lived closer. As it was, we were all bleeding from the thorns from clearing slash. I'll be back out in 4 weeks, hope for a 100% load of Osage. Only downside was the Osage was felled in June, so pretty green. Should be good for 20/21 wood though. I am not complaining, at all.
Cheddar curtains go so nice in dark green cabins. Let's be honest ... The UP is Wisconsin Lite, not so much michigan until you get far northeast of Escanaba.
This a great thread and all.... but honestly, without pics it’s pretty academic... don’t you think so Beetle-Kill?
I don't know what Rocky mountain oysters have for BTUs, but I'll take a rueben any day for eating purposes any day. Glad you got a nice load Beetle-Kill, and more to come. Snag a full load of osage and skip to the walnut. There's nothing wrong with mulberry either.
I can personally guarantee that color combination will never be seen on my property! Again....not even close! If anything, Wisconsin is referred to as Illinois' largest state park! (You can have it) Nope, U.P. is all by itself. Just the way we like it!
I'm with Suburban wood snob. I see very few lions fans up in the UP, but many more Packer fans. Then again, there's a lot of people in the UP that just want to be away from it all.
Bah! I have dual citizenship. My family (both sides) are from the UP. No one looks to lower Michigan for anything. Every one my relatives flies the green and gold. Yeah its desolate in places. It definitely takes a special mindset to live there lately. The small towns are really hurting and a lot of the remaining farming is switching to cash crops... Sad to see the state of the farms every time I am up there.
If you want a good laugh, go to youtube and word search "pure michigan: wisconsin and ohio" but if you're thin-skinned, well don't do it!