In loving memory of Kenis D. Keathley 6/4/81 - 3/27/22 Loving father, husband, brother, friend and firewood hoarder Rest in peace, Dexterday

Non EPA wood stove prices?

Discussion in 'Non-EPA Woodstoves and Fireplaces' started by shack, Nov 10, 2018.

  1. shack


    Oct 20, 2017
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    Upstate NY
    Hey guys. I watch a number of on line places for Fisher stoves and other old brands. I am seeing a lot of these being listed for $600 +. I can't believe that people are getting this kind of money for a non EPA stove. I know you can ask whatever you want, but what you get is a different story. Is there a new interest in these old 'smoke dragons'??? Collecting or real use??? Interested to hear your thoughts about what is going on with these high and crazy prices.

    Woodyone, mat60, Chvymn99 and 4 others like this.
  2. TurboDiesel


    Nov 22, 2013
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    Hollidaysburg Pa
  3. WeldrDave

    WeldrDave Military Outpost Moderator

    Oct 8, 2013
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    The Communist Socialist Republic of New Jersey
    Well, I can only speak for a couple brands, Fisher and Kodiak. I'll give you the short version on the Fisher stuff. Since Bob Fisher passed some folks think that the Fisher will be a collectors item. Now let us not forget than when the EPA/Government instituted the clean air act and "Banned" any Non-EPA from purchase, many people were left with a 500lb boat anchor! If you already had it installed, "some states" grandfathered them in but lets say you had one in the garage and you were going to install it in your new house, "NOPE"! you couldn't pass inspection and the Insurance companies wouldn't insure your home. So, Right there about sums up the whole thing in the Nut shell!!! "Legally" :whistle: you can't sell them or purchase for use. "Yes" many are on eBay and Craigslist but nobody is enforcing that and they could always call them a very heavy nightstand or table. :jaw: I've seen many in garages, pole buildings, barns etc... As a matter of fact I found a mama bear for my buddies work shop and it's installed and been cooking away for the past 6 years. :fire: I'm not sure about any "new" interest in the old smoke dragons but it's like anything people collect, when they start getting scarce, prices go up. "Me", as much as I love the old Fishers, I wouldn't give you more than say $250. any more for one.
    I did however spend $500.00 on my XL but that was like finding a Wooly Mamouth o_O. Alaska stove works, who made the Kodiak stove and were a Fisher knock off are still in business but don't make the old school stoves like they did. They are the only two I know "much" about. There were so many knock off's of the Fisher it was crazy. many were nice stoves! Timberline, Schrader, Buck (still in business, new stuff) Old Mill, and so on... Bob Fishers design "was the bar" and companies made stoves and tweeked theirs to call them their design. If Coaly shows up, he's got some good stuff on this subject but sadly, unless the EPA completely drops the air quality standards for stoves you will never see the old stuff come back in the home! Thats not saying people aren't doing it but not legally.

    I don't see anyone enforcing that in out buildings/garages and so on and in my opinion, What big brother doesn't know won't hurt them. :whistle: I also forgot to mention, many of these old stoves were scrapped as people replaced them with new stuff. As time goes on and people are getting older, they see these old stoves as collectables. A 100 years from now, "maybe". There are a lot of Very nice new stoves out there and I have nothing against any of them, I'm a simple person and like simple. I've never had to clean or replace "My" catalytic converter on the Grandma! :p;) And with that said she's still heating just like the day I installed it!:tears::cool:
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2018
  4. shack


    Oct 20, 2017
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    Upstate NY
    Thanks for the reply Dave. I have found a couple that would be nice to start a collection with, but I have seen a lot of unrealistic people in the process. I looked at a mama bear that was poorly refinished. I thought the guy wanted 90 for it...he wanted 900...I said 'seriously?' He got pretty mad and asked me what I was thinking...I said it needs to be redone to make it look decent and it's not EPA listed, plus it's freaking heavy and told him 125...I thought he was gonna punch me and I got the hell out of there. From other things I have seen, people think the baby bear is cute and it that makes it worth big money...hell would only be worth more with the bear feet in my opinion. I watch CL a lot and I have seen a couple of guys keep listing the same Fisher a 2 to 3 years in a row...they haven't figured out that they are wayyyy over priced.
    mat60, WeldrDave, Chaz and 1 other person like this.
  5. WeldrDave

    WeldrDave Military Outpost Moderator

    Oct 8, 2013
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    The Communist Socialist Republic of New Jersey
    I won't even entertain someones INSANE prices like that!!! I was in a flea market not long ago and this lady had an older Vermont castings Defiant on the floor for sale for $950.00. I was with my wife and I saw the tag and chuckled. This lady got almost Irate at me and said; I guess you don't know an antique stove and their value!!! I laughed even harder and said, Lady, first this is not an antique and second this stove was $400.00 new. She was so insulted she asked me to leave! :rofl: :lol:o_O Yeah, Just remember shack most of those stoves will be sitting there till 2050 and then some at some of the prices. If you want to look for stoves, troll cragslist in a 200 mile radious of your home, they'll show up. I like them needing work because it's fun and fairly easy to do. :cool:
  6. WeldrDave

    WeldrDave Military Outpost Moderator

    Oct 8, 2013
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    The Communist Socialist Republic of New Jersey
    If you want to take a ride, I have a few!!! :whistle:
  7. Canadian border VT

    Canadian border VT

    Feb 18, 2015
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    I know my uncle has a mama bear in his basement, I thought he was a little crazy three years ago when he had a completely redone for 700 bucks. But his logic was, that stove has been heating the house for 40 years and he likes it. It was time for refresh.
    Screwloose, Luneyburg, mat60 and 2 others like this.
  8. shack


    Oct 20, 2017
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    Upstate NY
    Yes, I want that mama bear...also want one that says "76"... not sure what that one is...I need to have you load the mama on and get to you when you head north some week...we will talk.
  9. WeldrDave

    WeldrDave Military Outpost Moderator

    Oct 8, 2013
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    The Communist Socialist Republic of New Jersey
    The "76" bicentennial edition is a Grandma Bear. I've been heating my house here since 1980 with a Grandma bear. :yes:
    Screwloose, mat60, shack and 3 others like this.
  10. Luneyburg


    Dec 25, 2016
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    Hills of Central Mass
    In 2004 my wife talked me into purchasing an 1860 farmhouse that she fell in love with. It was left behind by an 90 year old local woman whom lived in it by herself to the end so not much was done to it in regards to updating anything. None of the house was insulated and still a lot is not insulated to this day as between money to renovate and time from work to do the work has prevented myself in doing so.

    Shortly after purchasing the house or actually the first winter after we purchased it the old ancient ACM covered boiler started acting up. It had seen its lively hood and it was time to replace it. The house still had the old steam radiators through out which to this day I regret having removed them but they were huge and we went with a state of the art super efficient oil fired furnace along with 2 new air handlers one in the attic and one in the basement and all new duct work. Well the following winter was a cold one and that new boiler ran non-stop to keep the house somewhat warm. The price of oil at the time was ridiculous and it was costing me$1200 a month at a minimum in oil which was breaking the bank to say the least. So much for super efficient as the old steam radiators kept the house much warmer.

    So I knew something had to change or we were gonna go broke the following winter so having worked in the woods to make a living people found out and soon I was cutting again, not for a living but to heat my home. Initially my father in law gave me a wood stove he was not using anymore which I installed but way to small. Previously in upstate NY I heated my farmhouse with a Timberline for many years as I had an endless supply of firewood earning my living in the woods. So I went up to New Hampshire to this old timers and had a gander at what he had for stoves. He had a lot of Fishers and a lot of heavy duty old stoves some refurbished some not but quite the selection.

    I asked to look at the Fisher's and he laughed at me and said you don't look one of dem fancy flatlanders looking to buy an overpriced stove just because of the name and what you have read somewhere in some fancy magazine. I laughed and said you are correct Old Timer I need something to heat my Leaky old farmhouse what have you got ? He took me in the back and showed me a couple of stoves one of which I ended up buying the Alpiner Matterhorn. He laughed and looked me in the eye and said I don't know how dem Canadians have done it but they stole all the best ideas of the stoves of that time and put it together in this stove. So $700 later he loaded it up with his contraption into my truck and off I was with my Alpiner Matterhorn.

    This beast will take up to 30" sticks and cranks out heat like no other stove I have ever seen to this day. I love the stove and if I had time to cut it would still be heating my house. I live in a small town so the EPA has never been a problem in fact I have had the fire chief and the insurance agent in my house without any comments what so ever. That stove heated my house for 10 years until I could not spend the time cutting anymore as I spend 16 hours a day away from my house to satisfy my current employment. It is sad that it is not worth anything when it could give someone heat for a lifetime but because of government regulations it will go by the wayside. The ironic thing is that I always seasoned my wood and having heated so long with firewood you would never except after just loading the stove and this would be for maybe 5 minutes see smoke coming from my chimney . I had a number of neighbors comment " How come I never see smoke coming from your Chimney ?"

    Love these old stoves and would still be using mine if I had the time to harvest food for it. Would be glad to give it to someone who has a shop or barn to heat and access to plenty of firewood as its one hungry beast. This is what it took to heat my house with the Alpiner every year .

    wood (1).jpg
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2018
  11. brenndatomu


    May 29, 2015
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    NE Ohio
    Nice stacks :yes:
    Got any pics of the wood gobbler? ;)
    mat60, Screwloose and shack like this.
  12. WeldrDave

    WeldrDave Military Outpost Moderator

    Oct 8, 2013
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    The Communist Socialist Republic of New Jersey
    Oh my God!!! That was a BEAST if it's the stove I'm thinking of... Was this the stove you bought?
    They were a Fisher knock off "sort of" and I only seen one once in a hunting cabin/lodge about 50 miles from my home. I was there for a match shoot and saw this stove. "If" it's the same thing. What a BEAST!!! :cool::yes: Very cool!!!
  13. Warner


    Jun 19, 2017
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    New Hampshire
    I’m quit sure I bought my current stove from the same guy! He is still selling stoves, I visited him for a shop heater this fall. An interesting fella....
    mat60, Screwloose and brenndatomu like this.
  14. Luneyburg


    Dec 25, 2016
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    Hills of Central Mass
    I do somewhere just have to find them or grab some more.
    mat60, Screwloose and brenndatomu like this.
  15. Luneyburg


    Dec 25, 2016
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    Hills of Central Mass
    Yessir that be the beast one hell of a stove, don't know for sure what BTU it generates but it is like none other I have seen from a wood stove new or old.
  16. Luneyburg


    Dec 25, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Hills of Central Mass
    Thats awesome yes great old timer with some or many awesome old time stoves.
  17. WeldrDave

    WeldrDave Military Outpost Moderator

    Oct 8, 2013
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    The Communist Socialist Republic of New Jersey
    The Fisher Papa Bear was the older "Brother" (Kinda) to the Alpiner for what little I know. That is definitely a conversation piece!!! :cool:
  18. lknchoppers


    Oct 13, 2014
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    Mooresville, North Carolina

    I have a 1986 Suburban Wood Chief, I bought it for $100 seven years ago. Paid for itself in the first two weeks of operation. Separate door for the ash pan down below, you never have to disturb the fire and I can get 14 hour burns if I pack it up with oak. I put new fire bricks in it last year and when I got it I went though it and cleaned it, then painted it. The value to me is not having to let it go out to clean it and the 14 hour burn times. It does put out more smoke than an EPA stove but so does all those fires in California. I would not install an EPA stove if it was given to me.
  19. LodgedTree


    Aug 24, 2016
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    I had one of those stoves, but it was called a Wonderwood. There was a lot of knock-offs, but I have no idea which one was original. I liked mine, but it did not burn coal well, so I had to get something else. I went really old school: a pot bellied stove circa 1893! :)

    I think a lot of the insane old stove prices came about because of the wood/coal cook stoves. There are some really nice ones out there, and my wife will get downright giddy at an old cook stove, BUT a refurbished old cook stove is far different then an everyday, old woodstove. I have seen a few cookstoves, and had antique dealers say, "give me a price, I might take it." I tell them, and like you they get down right mad. I might go $750 for an old wood/coal cookstove, but it would have to be really ornate, in good shape, and pretty close to home. They kind of are like old treadle sewing machines, a dime a dozen here.

    I have honestly, and deliberately driven over a Vigilant woodstove with my bulldozer when I flattened off my dump. A Surdiac coal stove, several Vogelzang's were in there too.
    mat60 and Screwloose like this.
  20. LodgedTree


    Aug 24, 2016
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    I feel the exact same way!!
    mat60 and WeldrDave like this.