The adventure continues, and I've been busy splitting the first load I scrounged, as well as css a few of my own trees. So far the stacks consist of oak, honey locust, norway maple, and what I am 99% sure is Ash. All of these woods seem to have similar btu ratings, so is there any point in separating them by species? I am hoping to relocate them to their permanent location soon, and wouldn't want to have to redo it.
It is the drying time. Check Firewood BTU & Drying Chart Your Ash will be ready in a year or less. Honey Locus is a 2 year wood. Oak is a 3 year wood.
That makes sense. I was anticipating using a solar kiln setup for the first two years to finish drying the wood. After that I expect to be on the fabled 3(hopefully 5) year plan. Maybe it makes more sense to get the Ash css first, and hope I don't have to mess with a kiln.
That would be my strategy. Ash will dry quickly after css. Marshel54 is right on for those dry times here in Mi. If you have enough supply of Ash, Elm , Maple, Cherry etc. SS the Oak & Locust together & in 3 years you'll have firewood for the coldest of Winter nights that is incredible. Welcome to a fellow Michigander too btw.
That Norway maple should dry quickly also, about the same time as the ash. If it were me, I'd put those two together and the oak/locust together.
Thanks. There seem to be quite a few of us Michiganders around here. Agreed. Based on amount of each, this should work pretty well. Thanks all for working through this with me.
Greetings casualty. The btu in those are quite a bit different and as stated, so is the drying time. Ash is great and if you aren't sure, just post a picture of some of that ash and maybe we can help with the positive ID.
Oak takes forever to season and locust is only slightly faster. If you don't need it sooner than 3 years leave it together, otherwise yes keep the stuff separated