Do you see a secondary burn? should I see one? i don't seem to have one? wood is pretty dry, outside show 3-5%, inside about 10-13% (max) showing 2 probe, i think the SBI one is defective ...
Looks like you need to cut the air back more. That's burning rather vigorously for much secondary effect. In my experience. Looks like a happy, but real hungry burn rate. Guessing you don't let it burn that hard all the time?
my goal is to keep the flue temp at around 600f as much as possible, so it burn like that most of the time. last year I had issue with creosote and I want to make sure I dont this year, see quantity of creosote removed from chimney? is the way i'm doing it flawed?
Looks like a bit of secondary action there...try turning the air down more, see what happens. Looks like a lot of primary fire there. Not a ton of wood there...putting another layer on there would least a split or two...get the fire closer to the secondary air tubes
I put a new log in, waited a few minutes flue temp went about 620f, fully closed the air waited a bit and I started seeing very small secondary burn, flue temp is now at 550f and slowly going down (the log is still burning) going to see if i can get a quick video again
video is uploading and being processed by youtube, the video doesnt show a lot of secondary burn but I just went down to check it and i can clearly see more now question, if the wood is very dry, are secondary burn rarer?
No, dry wood will give you more secondary action...water cools the fire. Most of the secondary action occurs in the first hour or two after a reload...not much after least that's visible
As your wood starts to burn n it starts to gas off will notice more of a secondary burn. Having your stove fuller will make a difference with this also. Adjust your air acordingly..
One other thing. Put your wood in front to back (north south) instead of sideways (east west). It'll improve the primary air flow to the back of the stove, which in turn will allow your gassified wood gasses to flow over your secondary burn tubes better. I always get much better secondary burn this way. Try to leave a gap right down the middle so your primary air is shooting right to the back.
Good one brenn. Spirch.. lay a small split crossway in the front and lay a couple splits on top of it. The air underneath will give ya the dancing your looking for.
Im in the same boat...but you can load north to south if you cut your length shorter. For me...about 12 inches. BLACKSMITHDEN is totally correct (i believe) loading north to south is best...but....its a pain to buck them that short n stack...