30 out and 70 in.. how do you guys with three year old stuff know what it is? Sure there was a piece of cherry and Maple, the rest I don't know... drywood
34 out this morning. Trying to burn up some stuff that’s past it’s prime.... might just be destined for backfill somewhere
I don't know how cold it was this am as I slept in late, it was 39 an hour ago and 41 now. The house was in the 50's so I have a good fire ripping. Oak & Maple. Going out shortly to cut up about 3/4 of a cord of Oak & Cherry. All in 5 or 6 foot lengths.
My firewood is pretty easy to tell what it is even after 3 or 4 years. I stack rows 2-deep, so the inside usually doesn't get much weathering. The side of the split facing down usually gives a good indication too.
I know some is ash... As I have ash bark pile, in burn pit.. But I know its dry regardless of species I don't have any oak
Oak is overrated, IMO. I know the firewood charts say it isn't, but in my experience it doesn't burn a whole lot longer than some "lesser" firewoods. I don't really notice a huge difference until I get into top tier wood like hedge, locust, or hickory.
Yesterday was a nice day, 12-14 C or low mid 50 F, and might have hit just below freezing overnight. Already a few degrees above freezing and looking to be another nice day. Wood shed is probably 2 sticks shy of 2 cord after filling her up, and just need to throw about 1/4 cord super dry deadfall to call it a done deal.
I just came in to eat a nice hot lunch my wife made, it's hitting the spot as it is cold, raw, & windy. In other words perfect cutting weather. I cut through most of the Red Oak in the pile and now started to get into the Cherry. Mrs. NHmm stacked some wood that I had laying around from my last day splitting. A great day!!
Sort of like when you cut it. You know what it is by looking at it. Should not change much just drying out.
It sure does, the last pieces I put in the stove was at noon. The house is nice and warm. No need for a relight. 36 here now. Mrs. NHMM stacked everything I cut and split, about 3/4 cord. I got it all top covered and we got in just as it got dark.
We never really got above freezing today and the winds didn't help. Snow & sleet all day kept the woodstove going all day. Approaching 20°F overnight and will load all birch in the oakleaf.
Too early for that chit!......if i had 1 wish for snow it would be to have a white christmas....n rifle deer season