Sun & 55 at 8:00 now cloudy windy & dropping. Supposed to be maybe a little snow. Filling the boiler shed with wood today. Not a bad day for that.
One has to laugh at the stupid forecast. A high of 46 predicted (earlier they said a high of 44) with falling temperatures. Ha! The temperature has been rising since around 8:00. And snow in the forecast? I doubt it but we'll see. I just hope the persistent winds will die down soon. It has been windy all week which is not good for hunting. Last night I had to laugh though. I was watching a buck while he was eyeing a doe. Suddenly one of those strong gusts came up and suddenly there was a whirlwind right by him with leaves swirling and raising about 15' high. That buck was out of there so fast it was unbelievable.
10 degrees warmer than forecast. 68ºF Forecast temp for tomorrow is 20ºF degreees cooler than what it actually is right now. Was nice enough to have windows open again. Spent the day so far turning compost piles. I think I'm taking a break from that and getting some wood by the house for colder weather. Maybe get the stove going again tomorrow night.
62* now....callin for 37* tonite...winds are suppose to pick up...18-23 with gust to 37 tonite n tomorrow......start another burn tomorrow mornin.
Weather changing by the hour today ,was 53 at 1 pm , Thunder storm blew through 46 now Low tonight 30 . Nothing burning right now I'll put some ash in later
Weather guessers were mostly wrong. They did say falling temperatures but were way off from reality. I did see that they changed their forecast in the afternoon. Definitely cooler now than it was this morning. We had rain and sleet but looks like that is all past now. At least the wind never hit as predicted; good.
Yesterday, Mrs Papi said the upstairs was a little too chilly for the little one at bedtime. "Well my dear, throw a log or two on when you come home for lunch and keep the heat steady, just so it doesn't cool down too much from the morning fire I set. Then we'll set a nice toasty one for overnight." "Okie dokie," she says, "this white pine and the new stove are great, but I can see it doesn't quite last forever. No problem." Having the day off today (I worked - gotta keep an eye on the weekend minions sometimes) she made it her solemn mission to keep that white pine fire choochin'.. Came home to 82 downstairs, with Mrs Papi in a tank top and shorts. ...Can't really say I see anything wrong with it.
36 with a windchill of 32 right now. We've had nice sun & 55 this am, rain, hail, sleet thunder & lightning, & 35 mph winds all in one afternoon. Kinda wish it would've snowed too, just to make the day complete. Was clearing & pretty nice when I loaded the boiler with Silver Maple at 8:00 PM. Tomorrow supposed to be sunny & mid 40's. Just right to cut up the Pine the wind took down today.
Got the boiler packed full of trimmings from resizing some firewood this morning. House still not asking for heat but I didn't want to throw them away or handle them twice.