32 here this morning and a heavy frost. Supposed to be 55 and sunny, been just lighting an overnight fire here. I ordered a couple new gaskets for the Buck stove so when they arrive I'll shut down.
Too mild days in a row!! Upper 50's with some areas hitting the 60's! But windy...hoo man, very windy!
We are at 53* right now....low of 46* tonight...tomorrow night down to 32*...what a roller coaster...
Boiler mostly just making DHW. Heat really hasn't kicked on for more than a few minutes the past couple days even though we had lows in the 30s. Got a few chunks of hedge and hickory in there. I have to head out of town next week and I'm seriously considering letting the fire go out until we get some lows in the 20s.
Looks like about 43F this morning and it’s raining. I’m going to light the stove in a bit with some paper and Maple splits.
Sitting at -9 C or 17 F this morning. Toast, a few sticks in the reactor, and back to bed for this guy.
It's warm this morning, 53 out and 6o inside. No fire, sweatshirt weather. Three months from now, this would be a heat wave. Anxious to get back to c/s/s, gotta work 3 more night shifts before that can be an option. Several cords here to still be processed before they are buried under feet of snow.
50 outside, 70 inside. NG boiler kicked on for a few minutes this morning as it was too warm in the house last night for a fire after I had the oven on for 3 hrs cooking a turkey. Started setting up the patio wood shed yesterday and finishing that up today, then the stove door gets a new gasket. I have gaskets to pull the cat but I may hold off on that as she has been doing good, probably just drop the shield and have a look. Happy Fall y'all.
41 and sunny. Going to be a beautiful day. They say down to the 20's tonight. More Ash will be heating our house today. Off to get pumpkin's with the family if they ever get out of bed.
One boiler motor fixed. I didn’t have time to seal the chimney up properly before I went to work though. Maybe tomorrow morning.