Meet America's gun super-owners – with an average of 17 firearms each Very interesting article on gun ownership. The video is a good informative article as well on demographics. Says owning a certain amount makes up 3% of the total owners. Seems every hunter or shooter I know meets this criteria.
You know, a funny observation I’ve made? It’s only anti-gun folks that ever ask how many guns I own. It’s a weird question if you give it any thought. The answer is either zero or more than zero. After that, what exactly is the difference?
True. I've got more guns than I can use at the same time. Well, I haven't tried to shoot a gun with my feet. Yet...
Guns = tools , different tools for different applications, funny no one has ever asked how many ( conventional) tools I have.
22% is a very low figure. Pretty sure I'd have to try fairly hard to find a gun free household in my area. I dunno if I qualify as a super owner or not...lost track of how many firearms I own as the number is not important to me. I'm probably close to if not over 17. Now my Boss...he'd be a ....super duper owner? He covers the 17 minimum just with ARs. His bank account is also much more accommodating for purchasing than is mine.
I reload for 20 ga{4}, 16ga, 12ga}4), and let the 410 set as ammo is expensive and I don't have a press for it. I reload for 22 hornet, 220 swift, 243{2}, 7mm08[2] 30-30, 32 win special, 308, 300 win mag, 38 special, 357{2} I buy when I find a resonalble price 22 LR for the 2 I own and I also buy for the 22 Mag. There are also a few Muzzle loaders in the group. I think I fit in the 22% group. Al
I don't remember all my calibers but they run from 22 Hornet to 375 Weatherby + shotguns 410-10ga. black powder, and then a few high powered air rifles, definitly in the 22% class
Didn't watch the video yet, was at work. Have only 12 guns, a mix of calibers. Have only ever purchased 3 guns, sold only 1. The majority that I have, have been in the family for at least 1 prior generation, of which I believe 6 are on third generation now. Shame I have no kids of my own, we'll have to see if Chazsbetterhalf sons will want them. Have one sister who's married to a hunter, he got a couple after my parents passed.
Yeah according to the author, a super-owner begins at 8. The average is 17. I can’t think of many co-workers or gun friends who don’t own at least 8.
How many screwdrivers? Hammers? sockets? They are indeed tools. Imagine using a squirrel cal on a moose or visa- ersa!
I get asked every time I cross the border, they don't like I don't know as an answer. My gramps and mothers 30-06 plus mine, I guess that's 3 but I only count a 1. Mine, as gramps was a gunsmith, I got a few
What would cause an officer at a POE to ask you that question? Do you bring your entire collection to Canada when you go? If not, only the ones you have with you should be of any concern to them when you come back south.
Canadians think all Americans have guns and there is a gun behind every blade of grass waiting to get them. Remember it was around ‘82 that England gave Canada their somewhat independence. And all Canadians know we have the constitutional right to bear arms. To my knowledge other than Merica all other countries gun ownership is a prevelage not a right. Here in Alaska every car and person is armed, it’s just life here.