That looks so cool. You can't watch that happen in our boiler unless you stand with the lid open and watch the blast furnace work.
That is of the reasons I like burning wood. No 2 fires are the same, and you can watch the flames forever.
Nice vid Mike. I watched the fire last night once the air got dialed in. Lots of opportunity for that in the coming months.
The easiest eay I've found is to upload the video to YouTube and then link to it using the media icon (the one that looks like two strips of movie film)
That is awesome. Does anyone know why they come and go like that? I assumed they were more consistent like a normal flame.
If you can make a correlation to a cook stove - blue flames would mean a good mix of oxygen to gas ratio and a "clean" burn. A wood stove isn't exactly a precise constant supply of gas and oxygen so the flames will come and go as the gas and oxygen gets depleted and replenished.