No, I didn’t shoot two moose, but 2018 Moose was already taken for a title! Actually I didn’t even shoot this one, my buddy did. I was the subpermitee again this year. We hunted hard Monday, Tuesday and all of Wednesday. Finally connected with this one at last light Wednesday night. Not very big but the meat should be good! 571 lbs and 27” spread. Probably a 3.5 year old.
Well done! A little jealous I spent 20 more days to close out the season. Can’t say I did not get to hunt much.
Thanks guys. It’s only a 6 day season in Maine, so you gotta get while the gettin’s good. During scouting on Sunday, I called in a NICE shooter, but no hunting on Sunday here. Then Monday-Wednesday the moose got shy! Some were answering calls but only half heartedly. This guy ran in to a strip/clear cut on our way out for the day. So he was more a target of opportunity than a product of good hunting. Either way, he’s meat now!
What area were you in? Last year my daughter got district 8, only days she could take off from school were way too warm and rainy. Saw a ton of cows and calves and one small bull on the run, big guy was in a thicket and we couldn't get him to move.
I was being sarcastic about having to hunt 23 days to fill that tag. I went on 4 trips on different this moose season. I can’t complain about getting to hunt enough. And the best news is subsistence moose and caribou season starts on November 1st and moose closes February 28 and caribou on April 30. So I have to go hunt some more. You have had a good fall with that nice archery buck and now moose. Congrats!
Zone 7 right next door to your daughter’s zone. My wife got a permit last year too - also zone 7. It’s where I live and work so it makes the most sense. Monday was pretty much a washout but the rest of the days seemed ok...except for Wednesday when we got a flat tire. 58 miles on the ATV later and we were back in business. It’s all part of the experience!
7 is good, never hunted it but spent tons of time in the Rangely and Bethel area. We pulled the camper to Jackman and hunted from Jackman up to Pitston Farm and down to Rockwood. Spent a day heading back towards The Forks from 15. Good time and lots of birds just not the right moose. 3 1/2 warm days didn't work out for us but she may never get to go again. How are the birds this year? We are trying to get a few days free this month to go back that way.
We didn’t shoot even one - but had to fill out that little post card from the IFW. We saw 47 in the three days. I’d say they’re doing terrific!